Integrations & Technical FAQs
Blackboard- Creating the LTI Tool for OAP
Creating the LTI Tool in Blackboard, For Use in Assignments
Login as the Blackboard Administrator
Navigate to the following page:► System Admin ► Integrations ► LTI Tool Providers
Click Register Provider Domain
Configure the tool as follows:
Provider Domain -
Default Configuration - Select Set globally
Tool Provider Key - to be copied ...
Blackboard- Creating the Assignment Link
The LMS Submission feature of Outcomes Assessment Projects enables an institution to collectartifacts directly from students within their course in Blackboard. The assignment link createdbelow will allow students to access Outcomes Assessment Projects, from within Blackboard, toupload and submit their files.
Creating the Assignment Using the LTI Tool in Blackboard• Na...
Blackboard- LMS Student Experience for OAP
Experience for the Student
Navigate to the course home page.
Click Content.
Click the appropriate assignment.
Note - the student will appear in OAP for this assignment as soon as they click this link.
Review any instructions and attachments provided, and click Start Submission when ready to begin uploading files.
Drag and drop the file from an o...
Canvas- Creating the External Tool
Login as the Canvas Administrator
Navigate to the following page:
Admin → Accounts → Select Root Account
Go to Settings
Go to Apps
Go to +App
Configure the tool as follows:
Name - something identifying Outcomes Assessment Projects, that can be easilyselected when creating the assignment
Consumer Key - to be copied and pasted from Outcomes Assessment Pro...
Canvas- Creating an Assignment Link
The LMS Submission feature of Outcomes Assessment Projects enables an institution to collectartifacts directly from students within their course in Canvas. The assignment link createdbelow will allow students to access Outcomes Assessment Projects’ LMS Submission modulewithin Canvas to upload and submit their files.
Creating the Assignment Using the External Tool in C...
Canvas- LMS Student Experience
The LMS Submission feature of OAP enables an institution to collect artifacts directly fromstudents within their course in Canvas. Students will login to Canvas, navigate to their course,and click on the appropriate assignment. This will open OAP's LMS Submission module withinCanvas and allow the student to upload and submit their files. Their files will be directed to ...
D2L/BrightSpace- Creating the External Tool
Creating the External Tool in D2L/Brightspace, For Use In Assignments
Login as the D2L Administrator
Navigate to the following page (In the ADMINISTRATION block):
► Site administration / ► External Learning Tools
Click Manage Tool Providers.
Click New Tool Provider.
Configure the tool as follows:
Launch Point -
Secret - to be cop...
D2L/Brightspace- Assignment Link Creation
The LMS Submission feature of Outcomes Assessment Projects enables an institution to collectartifacts directly from students within their course in D2L/Brightspace. The assignment linkcreated below will allow students to access Outcomes Assessment Projects LMS Submissionmodule within D2l/Brightspace to upload and submit their files.
Creating the Assignment Using the E...
D2L/Brightspace- LMS Student Experience
The LMS Submission feature of OAP enables an institution to collect artifacts directly fromstudents within their course in D2L/Brightspace. Students will login to D2L/Brightspace,navigate to their course, and click on the appropriate assignment. This will open OAP’s LMSSubmission module within D2L/Brightspace and allow the student to upload and submit theirfiles. Their ...
Moodle- Creating the External Tool
Creating the External Tool in Moodle, For Use In Assignments
Login as the Moodle Administrator
Navigate to the following page (In the Site Administration block):
► Site administration / ► Plugins / ► Activity modules / ► External Tool / ►Manage tools
Click configure a tool manually
Configure the tool as follows:
Tool Name - something identifying Outcomes Assessm...
Moodle- Assignment Link Creation
The LMS Submission feature of Outcomes Assessment Projects enables an institution to collectartifacts directly from students within their course in Moodle. The assignment link createdbelow will allow students to access Outcomes Assessment Projects’ LMS Submission modulewithin Moodle to upload and submit their files.
Creating the Assignment Using the External Tool in Moo...
Moodle- Student Experience
Experience for the StudentNavigate to the course home page.
Click the appropriate assignment.*Note -Once the link is clicked, the student will be brought directly to the OAP assignment submission screen.
Review any instructions and attachments provided and click Start Submission when ready tobegin uploading files.
Drag and drop the file from an open folder to uploa...