Planning & Self Study Release Notes
Planning & Self-Study Release Notes for August 22, 2024
Enhanced Filtering for SL&L Assessment Data in P&SS Measures
When filtering SL&L Assessment data, users were previously presented with a comprehensive list of all available options, making it difficult to identify the choices associated with a specific rubric. We have improved the user experience by changing the workflow. Now, users will be able to view only those o...
Introducing the Watermark Community!
We are thrilled to announce the launch of the Watermark Customer Community!
Connect with fellow Watermark users to share experiences and seek real world advice to maximize your Watermark experience.
The Community is conveniently connected to the Watermark Help Center and no separate login is required. You can view the Community here or access from the Help Center ...
Planning & Self-Study Release Notes for July 16, 2024
New Self-Study Templates
Two new templates have been added to the Self-Study template list. The two new templates are WSCUC Self Study 2023 Standards and CACREP Self Study 2024 Standards.
To have these templates added, please Submit a Request to our support team.
Once the templates have been enabled, users can find these templates in the template drop down menu...
Planning & Self-Study Release Notes for June 18, 2024
Lightcast - Degrees Conferred for an Institution
This update introduces the ability to view degrees conferred by degree level (BA, MA, and PhD) for institutions, providing a more granular and useful breakdown. Users can now view degree completions for BA, MA, and PhD levels within an institution, which are displayed based on the selected program CIP code for the insti...
Planning & Self-Study Release Notes for June 4, 2024
Manage Measure from Organization Profile
Administrators and Contributors will be able to create, manage, and edit measures for both learning and success outcomes within their organizations.
Create New Measures
New measures can be created by providing a measure definition. This is for both Learning and Success outcome.
Managing Measures
Users can access the outcomes...
Planning & Self-Study Release Notes for May 21, 2024
In this release, we are introducing a new feature to the Lightcast Program Review process that allows users to see the location of an institution when selecting peers for setting up their dashboards. This enhancement is designed to help users accurately differentiate between institutions with identical names by displaying location details alongside the institution nam...
Planning & Self-Study Release Notes for April 16, 2024
Lightcast National Average for Jobs and Annual Openings
In the Labor Market Overview widget, available in the Program Review module for institutions that have licensed the Market Landscape Data Pack, we have now introduced the average value in comparison to the National Average for the Jobs and Annual Openings data points.
This complements the existing values in compar...
Planning & Self-Study Release Notes for March 19, 2024
D2L Integration Enhancement: New Date Filter for Instructor role
Instructors will now have the ability to filter courses by academic year when bringing over results data from D2L. This new capability enhances the course selection process for instructors with access to a large number of courses in D2L, allowing them to quickly and easily search for courses. When the ac...
Planning & Self-Study Release Notes for February 22, 2024
Expanded Error Messaging for Evidence Upload
Validations for Program Review and Self-Study Evidence
Users can now view validation messages when attempting to add or rename evidence titles in Program Review and Self-Studies.
The validation messages will inform users of restricted characters, including #?:"*<>|./' providing clearer guidance on title formatting.
Planning & Self-Study Release Notes for January 16, 2024
Results Counts Added to the Comprehensive Plan Export
In this update, the Comprehensive Plan Export has been enriched with individual Measure counts for Meeting, Not Approaching, Approaching, and Exceeding criteria. This enhancement empowers administrators and institutional leaders by providing specific student assessment counts within each measure.
These data will di...
Planning & Self-Study Release Notes for November 7, 2023
Ability to Include or Omit the Judgement of Compliance in a Self-Study
Users can now choose to include or omit the Judgment of Compliance for specific sections or standards, providing greater flexibility and control when setting up a self-study. The decision to include or omit Judgments of Compliance will be visible in the generated reports.
The option to include...
Planning & Self-Study Release Notes for October 17, 2023
CAEP Accreditation Templates
In this release, we are introducing two new self-study templates to enhance your experience with our Self Study feature. These templates have been designed to align with the CAEP 2022 standards and are tailored for both Initial Level and Advanced Level self-study reports.
Both templates come with pre-defined sections and prompts that al...
Planning & Self-Study Release Notes for September 26, 2023
Updates to the SL&L Integration Filtering
We have enhanced the user experience of fetching assessment data in a measure in P&SS from SL&L. Currently, the values are being fetched all at once when the filters are being loaded, resulting in performance/page crash issues in the case of the institutions which have large datasets. We have enhanced this user experience in...
Planning & Self-Study Release Notes for September 14, 2023
Action Status Chart in Insights
The plan administrator/Dean will be able to view a chart depicting the status of all the actions of an assessment plan while viewing insights. Users will be able to view the status of actions added for outcomes and measures in an assessment plan.
The chart will include all of the general outcomes and measure actions. The actions will be...
Planning & Self-Study Release Notes for August 16, 2023
Outcome Details- All Courses Report
In the Docs & Reports Area, we now have a monitoring report titled Outcome Details - All Courses. This report will provide an export of course outcomes for institutions that enter and/or conduct course-level outcomes assessment. Currently, administrators have the ability to export outcome details associated with degree programs and ...
Planning & Self-Study Release Notes for July 18, 2023
Ability to View Organizations that have been assigned to Reviewers
We have enhanced our Plan Review feature to allow administrators to see which organizations have been assigned to a reviewer in a plan review. This allows the administrator to better track and monitor reviews as they are in process.
Previously, the administrator could see the name of the reviewer a...
Planning & Self-Study Release Notes for July 5, 2023
In this product release, we are introducing the ability to create a cover page and export it with your self-study. This feature will provide the ability to create visually appealing, well-organized reports and provide a professional touch to an exported self-study.
Creating a Cover Page
Users will be able to create a new page within the Introductory Pages section. Th...
Planning & Self-Study Release Notes for June 5, 2023
Surface Action Updates in Assessment Plan Reports
Currently, if contributors have added actions (measure/general outcome) to an assessment plan and have added various updates to these actions, then those updates do not show up in the assessment plan HTML & PDF reports.
The plan administrator/leads will now be able to see the action updates in the assessment plan repor...
Planning & Self-Study Release Notes for May 9, 2023
Padding for Self-Study
By switching on the PDF view Toggle, users will be able to see how the PDF will appear before actually exporting it. Previously, they would have to export the file and then examine if the layout and placement of the tables and data are correct; if there are any discrepancies, they would have to return to the editor and make changes there.
Planning & Self-Study Release Notes for April 11, 2023
Over the last year, Leader Insights has been launched as a Watermark Lab, intending to quickly provide Leaders with insights across Planning & Self-Study and Student Learning & Licensure. As a result of client feedback, and in an effort to improve the usability, we have made the following critical enhancements in the Leader Insights area as we prepare to incorporate a...
Planning & Self-Study Release Notes for March 14, 2023
Increased Number of Leads Per Organization
Administrators and Assessment Leaders will now be able to assign up to 20 leads per organization.
Allow Users to Version Measure Details by Reporting Year
We have introduced a measure revision feature that allows the plan administrator/contributor to revise their plan measures. Users will have the ability to revise a measure ...
Planning & Self-Study Release Notes for January 31, 2023
Self-study standard narratives are frequently used to references to other standards from within the self-study while the users are composing the self-study. In order to provide them with the ability to incorporate direct links to those other standards, we have now given them the ability to export the self-study as either a PDF or website so that others ca...
Planning & Self-Study Release Notes for January 17, 2023
Assessment Plan Rubric Report Export CSV
Administrators will now be able to export all rubric review results for an Assessment Plan. Exports will include all of the scores for the reviewed plans, the name of the reviewer, as well as any Feedback given by the reviewers. Access this report in the Exports area of an Assessment Plan.
Planning & Self-Study Release Notes for December 28, 2022
Improved Usability for Adding Actions and Referencing Past Results
Action Items can now be added directly below the Findings area. Past results are easier to read. Users can view and update Action items from past assessment plans.
We have renamed the Actions & Past Results button to Past Findings. We also removed the Actions and Past Results icons from the Actions panel...
Planning & Self-Study Release Notes for December 6, 2022
New HTML Button in Self-Study Narrative Toolbar
The HTML code button will allow a Self-Study or Program Review contributor to see all of the HTML formatting for any text in the editor by clicking the “<>” button. Users will be able to delete any formatting that is causing inconsistencies in font type or size. By pressing this button again, the HTML is hidden and the use...
Planning & Self-Study Release Notes for November 16, 2022
Ability to choose individual rubric criteria in Canvas
When aligning results from Canvas, leads and admins will be able to choose an individual criterion or a subset of criteria for an assignment that uses a rubric as the scoring method in Canvas. This functionality will also be available if collecting Canvas assignment information from an individual faculty member for ...
Planning & Self-Study Release Notes for November 9, 2022
Exports for Dashboard Showing Percentage Updates Added to Tactics
Admins will be able to export all the progress updates made to all tactics or a particular tactic so they can be shared with key stakeholders outside of the Planning & Self-Study tools.
Pop-Up Messaging Clarifying Implications of Editing a Copied Measure
Pop-Up messaging has been added to clarify t...
Planning & Self-Study Release Notes for September 27, 2022
Improved Organization Profile Navigation
The organization profile has been enhanced to address feedback and usability concerns. This also provides an immersive view that keeps administrators and leaders focused on tasks, while preparing for integrating Leader Insights within the next quarter.
No changes have been made to the functionality or features in this area. The ...
Planning & Self-Study Release Notes for September 12, 2022
Enhancements to System Administration andPlanning & Self-Study
Ability to Delete Organizations (With and Without Associated Planning & Self-Study Data)
The ability to fully delete Organizations - with or without associated Planning & Self-Study data - is now functional within System Administration. Now, when a System Administrator goes to delete an Organization, a vali...
Planning & Self-Study Release Notes for August 17, 2022
Enhancements to System Administration
Ability to Delete Programs (With and Without Associated Planning & Self-Study Data)
The ability to fully delete Programs - with or without associated Planning & Self-Study data - is now functional within System Administration. Now, when a System Administrator goes to delete a Program, a validation check will notify the Administrato...