Scopes for D2L Integration
We have defined user roles and permissions that can be configured for integrations, ensuring the Watermark application has the right access to data and features based on assigned roles.
Create a new role and assign the permissions below:
- Click Create and Start Fresh
2. Name the new role
3. Under tool behavior options > select - Can register for a course
4. Under Class list options > Display users enrolled as this role in Classlist
5. Under Course Access options > select
- Access inactive courses
- Access past courses
- Access future courses
6. Save and proceed with selecting the permissions and org types for this role
These are the permissions to be selected for setting up scopes for D2L integration.
- Assignments > See and Submit Files to Assignment Submission Folders
- Assignments > See and Manage Assignment Submission Folders
- Assignments > View Submitted Files
- Discussions > View Discussions
- Discussions > Access Hidden Forums and Topics
- Discussions > Manage Discussions
- Class list > Has Access to the Class list
Org unit types to be selected along with the permissions:
- Organization
- Course Template
- Course Offering
- Section
- Department
Once the above org units and permissions are assigned for a role, a new user should be created for the integration setup and this new user should be given the new role with the limited minimum permissions selected above.
Plan Review Feedback and File Upload Capability
Users can now give detailed feedback by adding text for each criterion and attaching relevant files.
Feedback can be entered in a 2500-character input box for each criterion, along with an Overall Feedback box. Users can view reviewer feedback in the In Progress tab and Docs and Reports area.
Up to 5 files can be uploaded with overall feedback. If users discard files during a partial review without saving, they will receive a warning about unsaved changes.
These updates enhance the Plan Review experience, allowing for more detailed feedback and better file management.
Ability to Edit Curriculum Map Terminology
This release enables admins and contributors to customize and view updated curriculum map terminology in exports and the curriculum map interface based on admin page changes.
Admins can easily modify terminology in the Curriculum Terminology section under Configuration Settings > Lightcast Data Settings, ensuring alignment with their preferred language and abbreviations.
To improve user experience, validations prevent unsupported special characters and empty fields when editing terminology. Clear validation messages will appear for invalid characters like #?:\"*<>|.\/'.
This update enhances flexibility and accuracy in terminology management for curriculum maps, with admin changes automatically reflected across the system, including exports and the curriculum map view. This also allows institutions to better align curriculum map representations with their internal language preferences, improving communication and user experience for both contributors and admins. Note that the symbol for Measure remains unchanged.
Canvas: Disaggregate Measure Results by Filter Options
Administrators and contributors can now view and compare data across multiple categories for a selected measure. The following categories are available for filtering and comparison:
- Modality
- Course Section
- Primary Major
- Race/Ethnicity
- Gender
- Generation
- Pell Eligibility
Key Features
1. Search & Filter Options
- Users can search and filter options within each category.
- Dynamic filtering narrows the list as users type.
- Clear selections to reset filters and discard all selected options.
- A count of selected options is shown on the flyout.
2. Aggregate Chart Filter Sync
- Options displayed in comparison charts are based on aggregate chart filter selections.
- Example: Selecting a modality in the aggregate chart limits comparison filters to course sections, majors, and other categories tied to that modality. This is applicable for course section as well.
- Example: Selecting student filters like Gender, Race/Ethnicity, Generation, Pell Eligibility, or Major in the aggregate chart will not restrict the Modality or Course Section filters in the comparison chart. However, for other student filters (Gender, Race/Ethnicity, Generation, Pell Eligibility, Major), only the options selected in the aggregate chart will appear in the comparison chart.
3. Accordion View
- Selected category options are displayed as a collapsible accordion.
- Each selected option shows its own comparison chart with Met/Not Met percentages and assessment counts.
- Users can select up to 3 options per category
4. Editing Comparison Categories
- Users can change their selections for the selected category.
- Changes made to the options for a category will be reflected upon saving.
- Comparison charts always reflect accurate Met/Not Met percentages based on current selections.
5. Chart Deletion
- Users can delete comparison charts with a confirmation prompt before removal.
- Deleted charts are permanently removed and new charts reflect current selections.
6. User Prompts
- Users are notified when changes to aggregate chart filters will delete existing comparison charts with options to cancel or continue editing.
Reporting Year Synchronization Between P&SS and Insights Hub
Key Features:
- Migration of Existing Reporting Years
- All historical reporting years in P&SS are migrated to Insights Hub.
- Reflect New Reporting Years
- An API automatically sends new reporting years created in P&SS to Insights Hub.
- Reporting years created in Insights Hub will be available in P&SS
- Reflect Updates
- Insights Hub reflects any updates to reporting year details (title, code, start/end date) in P&SS
- Modifications to reporting years in Insights Hub are synchronized back to P&SS in real time.
- We have temporarily disabled the capability to delete reporting periods from P&SS