This feature allows instructors and/or administrators to decide which courses get evaluated and to manage some key specifics about the courses that are evaluated.
The Manage Courses feature will become available to Administrators and/or Instructors on the Manage Courses Access Start Date, even if the Project is not yet Deployed.Overview
- Review and/or Delete the courses they are enrolled in (or oversee within Course Evaluations & Surveys).
- Review, Add and/or Delete student enrollments from a course manually.
- Review and/or Edit course-level survey dates.
- Preview all survey questions per course, regardless of survey type and who added them.
- Allow instructors to control if/when results from their course is made available to the administrator(s) in their area.
- Allow administrators to control if/when results from courses in their area are made available to instructors or teaching assistants teaching the course.
- Allow administrators to view and delete instructor, teaching assistant, and student enrollments for courses in their area.
- Allow administrators to batch upload instructor, teaching assistant, and/or student enrollments for courses in their area.
Note: Only Administrators have the ability to upload users in batch to multiple courses through Manage Courses.
There is also a Dashboard Widget the CES Administrator can add for instructors and/or administrators to access this feature. Otherwise the feature, if enabled, displays in the top navigation for instructors and/or administrators.
As an CES Administrator, within a Project go to the Project Properties tab and scroll to Manage Courses. Once you select Allow ADMINISTRATORS to View Courses in Enrolled Level of Account Hierarchy, you will have the following options:
As an CES Administrator, within a Project go to the Project Properties tab and scroll to Manage Courses. Once you select Allow INSTRUCTORS to View Enrolled Courses, you will have the following options:
These settings apply for all instructors and/or administrators for the current project.
Instructor / Administrator
If the Manage Courses feature is enabled in a project, when an instructor or administrator is logged in they will see Manage Courses in the top navigation menu:
Note: Administrators will need the Course Admin role assigned to their user account to use the Manage Courses feature
Additionally, if you add the Manage Courses widget to the Dashboard for instructors and/or administrators, they will be able to view and access the Manage Courses functionality from within this widget as well.
Whether accessing the Manage Courses functionality from the top navigation or from the widget, the instructor or administrator will see any project where they have access to Manage Courses. The user can then click the View icon where they can review the list of courses they are enrolled in, or have access to within that project. And, depending on which additional options the CES Administrator has allowed, the instructor or administrator may also be able to delete courses, view/add/delete student enrollments, view/add/delete instructor enrollments, and/or view/edit course level survey dates.
Deleting a course or enrollment may delete response data already received. As best practice, consider a communication plan that includes instructions about the Manage Courses feature, or links to the Manage Courses articles available to instructors and administrators in Help Center. This can be included in a Pre-Survey Announcement Email for instance.If given access to Preview Survey, Administrators and/or Instructors may also preview the survey as presented to the student/respondent in the course.
If given access to Add Instructor or Student Enrollments by Batch Upload, Administrators may also add students and/or instructor enrollments in batch, using an Excel file.
Note: Node Administrators cannot unenroll users in batch.