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Manage Administrators

Use this feature to create and manage administrators within your Course Evaluations & Surveys account.

Types of Administrator accounts

  • CES Administrators: Super-users with access to ALL areas of Course Evaluations & Surveys.
  • "Node" Administrators: Have limited access to Course Evaluations & Surveys based on the role(s) and the assigned levels of your institution’s hierarchy, which are assigned to them by an CES Administrator. Examples of a "Node" Administrator might be a Dean, Provost, Department Chair, Division Chair or any other type of administrator who needs access to reports and/or other permissions, as determined by the "node" administrator's assigned role(s).


  1. Manually Create a New Node Administrator.
  2. Manually Create a New CES Administrator.
  3. Upload a Node Administrator File.
  4. Search for and Manage Existing Administrators.
  5. Remove a Node Administrator and transfer ownership of surveys.

To Manually Create a New Node Administrator

  1. Click on +Add New Administrator.
    1. Username: If the administrator plans to access Course Evaluations & Surveys through a link in your LMS, the username should match the username in the LMS system.
    2. Password: This is required when manually creating an administrator. The password does not need to match the password in your LMS. If admins access Course Evaluations & Surveys via the link in your LMS, they will not need to know their username and password for Course Evaluations & Surveys.

      Below is the list of password requirements when creating a user manually in the user interface:
      Minimum Length: at least 12 characters.
      Mixed Case: a mix of upper and lowercase letters, to increase complexity.
      Numbers: at least one number.
      Special Characters: at least one special character, such as `!`, `,`, `@`, `#`, `$, `, or `%`.
      Password Topology: cannot use commonly-used weak passwords, such as “password1”, “winter2022”, or passwords with the user’s name, account name, or company name in them.

    3. First Name
    4. Last Name
    5. Email Address
  2. Under Select Roles, the following roles can be assigned to a Node Administrator:
    1. Survey Admin: Select this role if you would like to create a node administrator who would only create/edit surveys. Survey admins only have access to the surveys they have created.
    2. Report Admin: Select this role to allow the node administrator access to reporting for Instructors and courses within their specific area(s), school/college/department(s)
    3. Custom Question Admin: Select this role to allow the node administrator access to author and add custom question surveys for their specific areas or courses therein.
    4. Student Alert Admin: Select this role to allow the node administrator to receive student alerts and access Student Alert Reporting.
    5. Course Admin: Select this role if you are using the “Manage Courses” feature in your project for node administrators. This role allows the administrator to manage course and enrollment information in a project.
    6. Custom Question Monitoring Admin: Select this role if the node administrator should have access to view custom question surveys that were associated to their specific areas or courses therein.
    7. Results Monitoring Admin: Select this role if the node administrator should have access to view who has accessed results for Projects associated to their specific areas.
    8. Project Admin: Select this role to allow the node administrator to create, manage, and deploy projects within their academic area or level(s) of access. This role allows the administrator to only control projects in their academic unit or level(s) of access.
    NOTE: The Survey Admin, Report Admin, Custom Question Admin, Student Alert Admin, Course Admin, Custom Question Monitoring Admin, and Results Monitoring Admin roles do not allow a user to create projects, associate surveys to a project, or have access to account-level settings within your Course Evaluations & Surveys account.
  3. Under Levels, select the specific areas within your hierarchy wherein the administrator should have access.
    NOTE: Selecting a higher level/node in the hierarchy does NOT automatically include all lower levels/nodes. Select every level the user should be able to access.
  4. To create & save the Administrator, click Save.

To Create a CES Administrator (Promote from Node Admin)

  1. Follow the steps to create a Node Administrator.
  2. Once you have created the Node Administrator, click on Edit by the administrator’s account.
  3. At the top of the administrator’s user information, click on Promote to CES Administrator Role.

To Create Administrators in Batch

You can import multiple Administrators or update their data with an upload file.
  1. Create an Excel spreadsheet with the following required headers, exactly as they appear below, and with NO SPACES in the headers:
    1. FirstName: Administrator First Name.
    2. LastName: Administrator Last Name.
    3. Username: Administrator Username.
    4. Email: Administrator Email Address.
  2. Optional Fields. Only include field(s) where you wish to add/update:
    1. NodePath: The Node Path is constructed based off the levels/nodes within your account hierarchy. The labels in your hierarchy make up the node path, each sub-level separated by a period with all spaces removed. To view the node path for your hierarchy, go to Account > Hierarchy Builder > Export Hierarchy to view an Excel spreadsheet with the node path for each level.

      Please Note: If you enter a NodePath in your upload file, you must also include at least one of the Admin Roles below.
    2. SurveyAdmin: 0/1 in this field to provide access to Survey Builder, where 1 provides access and 0 is no access.
    3. ReportAdmin: 0/1 in this field to provide access to reporting, where 1 provides access and 0 is no access.
    4. CustomQuestionAdmin: 0/1 in this field to provide access to add custom questions, where 1 provides access and 0 is no access.
    5. StudentAlertAdmin: 0/1 in this field to provide access to student alerts and Student Alert Reporting, where 1 provides access and 0 is no access.
    6. CourseAdmin: 0/1 in this field to provide access to courses, if Manage Courses for the Project is enabled, where 1 provides access and 0 is no access.
    7. CustomQuestionMonitoringAdmin: 0/1 in this field to provide access to Custom Question Monitoring, where 1 provides access and 0 is no access.
    8. ResultsMonitoringAdmin: 0/1 in this field to provide access to Results Access Monitoring, where 1 provides access and 0 is no access.
    9. ResponseEditorAdmin: 0/1 in this field to provide access to the Response Editor, where 1 provides access and 0 is no access. Note, request this feature to be enabled for your account if you wish to use it.
    10. Remove (See Edit Administrators below).
    11. RemoveNode (See Edit Administrators below).
    12. Password.
  3. Within the Excel upload file, create a row for each level of access for an administrator within your hierarchy.
  4. Input administrator Username, First Name, Last Name and email Address.
    1. If the administrator has multiple rows, include this information on each row.
  5. Input 1 under each column you want to grant permission, and for each area/department. Leave blank or input 0 to not select this option.
  6. Return to Manage Administrators and click on Import Administrators to select your administrator file and upload to add administrators.

Edit Administrators

Once you have manually inputted administrators or uploaded an administrator file, you will be able to see all of the administrators in your account listed at the bottom of the page, as well as search for and edit the Administrators within the account.

On this page, you will also have the option to do the following:
  1. Login as the Administrator.
  2. Reset Email Login Link: Use this option in the event the user’s Login Link is ever compromised.
  3. Email User: You can re-issue a new Login URL using the Course Evaluations & Surveys Placeholder.


Batch Edits

Click on Export Administrators to export all Node Administrators to an Excel spreadsheet. Note: CES Administrator accounts are not exported using the Export Administrators function.  Only Node Administrators are exported.
Here, you can:
  1. Add administrators.
  2. Add hierarchy levels for administrators.
  3. Remove administrators.
    1. Add optional column with header Remove and put a 1 to remove the administrator and ignore other columns.
    2. Leave blank or input 0 to not select this option.
  4. Remove hierarchy node/level access from administrator.
    1. Add optional column with header RemoveNode and put a 1 to remove node access to this administrator.
    2. Leave blank or input 0 to not select this option.
  5. Upload updated Excel file into Upload Administrators to update.
    1. This will not overwrite existing administrators, just update/add information that you have changed within upload file.

Manual Edit

You can also manually edit individual users by clicking on the Edit option to the right of the administrator's information. Here you can:
  1. Edit administrator's access to areas in the hierarchy.
  2. Update user information.
  3. Edit administrator's reporting or custom question roles.
  4. Under Status, you can Disable or Lock the administrator's account
    1. Disabled status will disable the user’s account for ALL roles.  NOTE: If a user no longer needs to have Administrator access, then their Administrator profile should be removed.  This will remove their Administrator access but still allow them to access their Instructor data.  Deleting an Administrator will not affect any data that has been collected by Course Evaluations & Surveys.
    2. Locked status can be used as a temporary status to lock an account for a specific amount of time.
  5. Link to Login as this Administrator to view the administrator's dashboard and access.
  6. Link to Promote to CES Administrator.
  7. If the user is already a Course Evaluations & Surveys administrator, there will be a link to Demote to Administrator Role.


Remove a Node Administrator

To remove Administrator access, select the X next to their name.  Removing an Administrator user does not delete any other role the user may have in the system, such as Instructor. It simply removes access from a user who no longer needs to have access to Administrator-level data.

Clicking the X will open a box with two options:


  1. Remove: This option will immediately remove the user as an Administrator.  If your school is not using the Custom Question feature (where Administrators create and own their own custom question surveys), this option is the best choice.
  2. Transfer Ownership & Remove: This option will transfer any custom questions or surveys created by the Administrator to the selected Administrator. For example, you would use this function if the MATH department head is stepping down and the new MATH department head wishes to continue using the custom question surveys created by the previous MATH department head.

    The Transfer Ownership option is only for transferring custom question surveys or projects created by Node Administrators. This function will not transfer surveys or projects created by CES Administrators or Project Administrators.  If you wish to transfer ownership of projects or surveys created by a CES Administrator or a Project Administrator, then please Submit A Request to Support.

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