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Course Evaluations & Surveys Email Safelist Information

The following contains Course Evaluations & Surveys email safelist information.


Emails sent from the Course Evaluations & Surveys system are sent from the Course Evaluations & Surveys email server.

You can customize the From field in emails (e.g.,; however, they still originate from the Course Evaluations & Surveys email server and, in some instances, may be identified as SPAM by institution's SPAM filters. 


To safelist email sent from Course Evaluations & Surveys, please provide your campus email administrator with the following Course Evaluations & Surveys Email Server Information:



If your organization leverages Sender Policy Framework (SPF), please include the following entry in your SPF record:


If your policies require you to safelist, add the following entry based on your location:

For accounts ending in .COM


For accounts ending in .EU


For accounts ending in .CA


For accounts ending in .EK-AU



If you’re accustomed to sending email communications From a campus email address instead of the system default and you want to avoid "spoofing", you’ll need to use a set of self-service tools to configure and authorize Watermark to send from your preferred campus email domain(s). For more, please refer to the Outgoing Email Settings article in Help Center.


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