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Hierarchy Mapper

The Hierarchy Mapper is a feature designed to automate the alignment of courses to specific levels in your hierarchy, such as aligning courses to their appropriate department or college that were configured through the Hierarchy Builder. This alignment is achieved by setting up mapping logic based on course codes, titles, unique identifiers, and, if necessary, instructor information. 

The purpose of the hierarchy mapper is to ensure that your courses and their data are correctly mapped to the appropriate levels in your hierarchy, facilitating accurate data reporting. By working alongside the hierarchy builder, the hierarchy mapper ensures that all courses align with the predefined hierarchy levels, maintaining consistency and clarity.  

For an overview of how these features work together, refer to the video below. For more information on the Hierarchy Builder feature, see Hierarchy Builder.





Getting Started 

After building your hierarchy in the Hierarchy Builder, follow the steps below to map courses to their appropriate levels in the hierarchy: 

  1. Login to Course Evaluations and Surveys (CES) as a CES Administrator. 
  2. From the Navigation Bar, select "Account." This will open a menu where you can navigate to the "Site Settings" area and click on "Hierarchy Mapper."
  3. On the right-hand side, select the desired hierarchy level you want to begin creating a mapping logic for. Mapping logic will be used to map your courses to a hierarchy level. 
  4. Once the desired hierarchy level is selected, three fields will appear where you can input mapping logic to assign courses to the corresponding hierarchy level. To learn more about these fields and setting up mapping logic, refer to the section titled, "How Mapping Logic Works" within this article. 
  5. After inputting your mapping logic, click "Save" to save your mapping logic. 
  6. After saving, a line should appear showing the following columns and the actions allowed by the last two columns: 
    • Condition: The attribute that is being used to map your courses to the hierarchy level. 
    • Operand: The operator that is being used in the mapping logic
    • Value: The specific value that must be met for the mapping logic. 
    • Created By: Displays the name of the individual who created the mapping logic and the timestamp it was created. 
    • Updated By: Displays the name of the individual who updated the mapping logic and the timestamp of the update. 
    • Edit: The pencil icon in this column allows you to edit the corresponding mapping logic. To learn more about editing a mapping logic, see the section "Editing a Mapping Logic" in this article. 
    • Delete: The "x" icon in this column allows you to delete the mapping logic permanently. To learn more about this action, see the section "Deleting a Mapping Logic" in this article. 


Note: Newly created mapping logics will not immediately reflect in ongoing or old projects. To apply the changes to desired projects, you must perform a Hierarchy Re-map action within each project. For more details on this action, see the "Courses" section in the following article How to Create a Course Evaluation Project


How Mapping Logic Works 

When creating a mapping logic for a hierarchy level, you need to configure three fields to set up the logic that aligns courses to the corresponding hierarchy level. These fields are: 

Screenshot 2024-06-20 at 11.06.33 PM.png

  1. Condition: Select the attribute to be used for mapping your courses. The options include: Course Code, Course Title, Course Unique ID, or Instructor Information (if necessary). 
  2. Operand: Choose the operator that will be used in your mapping logic. The available options are: Equals, Does not equal, Begins with, Does not begin with, Ends with, Does not end with, Contains and Does not contain.
  3. Value: Enter the specific value that must be met for your mapping logic. 

Setting up "OR" and "AND" Relationships 

  • "OR" Relationship: You can add a sub-condition by clicking on the "+ Sub Condition" text below the "Value" field when creating your mapping logic. This will apply an "OR" logic. For example, if you set a mapping logic with "Course Title Contains Art" and add a sub-condition of "Draw," then any courses containing "Art" OR "Draw" in their course title will be aligned to the corresponding hierarchy level. To remove a sub-condition, click the "- Remove" text next the sub-condition you wish to remove. 
  • "AND" Relationship: If you create multiple lines for your mapping logic, each line will act as an "AND" relationship. This means that all conditions must be met for a course to align with the hierarchy level. For example, if one line states "Course Unique ID Begins with ENG" and another states "Course Code Contains 101," the course must meet both conditions: its unique ID must begin with "ENG" and its course code must contain "101." 

Examples of Mapping Logic 

  • Example 1: In this example, any course whose course code contains "ACCT" will be aligned to the hierarchy level. 

    Screenshot 2024-06-20 at 10.37.41 PM.png
  • Example 2: Here, an "OR" relationship is used. A course will align to the hierarchy level if its unique ID begins with either "101" or "102." Therefore, if two courses have "101" or 102" as their unique ID then both will be aligned to the hierarchy level.

    Screenshot 2024-06-20 at 10.38.48 PM.png
  • Example 3: This example follows an "AND" relationship. For a course to align to the hierarchy level, its unique ID must contain "101" AND its course title must begin with "CHEM."

    Screenshot 2024-06-20 at 10.39.45 PM.png

    Note: If your mapping logic includes both "AND" and "OR" relationships, both will be followed to align the courses to the hierarchy level. 



Editing a Mapping Logic 

To edit a mapping logic, follow these steps: 

  1. Navigate to the Hierarchy Mapper. 
  2. Select the hierarchy level that contains the mapping logic you wish to edit. 
  3. Within the selected hierarchy level, find the mapping logic and click on the pencil icon in the Edit column. 
  4. The mapping logic will then automatically appear in the three fields (Condition, Operand, and Value) from where you can make your desired modifications from. 
  5. To save your changes, click the "Save" button. 
  6. After saving, the changes will automatically reflect in the mapping logic for the hierarchy level and the Updated By column will display your name and the timestamp of when the changes were made. 

Note: Changes to the mapping logic will not immediately reflect in ongoing or old projects. To apply the changes to desired projects, you must perform a Hierarchy Re-map action within each project. For more details on this action, see the "Courses" section in the following article How to Create a Course Evaluation Project


Deleting a Mapping Logic 

Deleting a mapping logic will permanently remove it and this action cannot be undone. To proceed with deleting a mapping logic, follow these steps: 

  1. Navigate to the Hierarchy Mapper. 
  2. Select the hierarchy level that contains the mapping logic you wish to delete. 
  3. Find the mapping logic you wish to delete and click the "x" icon in the "Delete" column. 
  4. A pop-up window will appear to confirm your action. After confirming that you would like to proceed with deleting the mapping logic, the mapping logic will then be deleted from the hierarchy level.

Note: Changes to the mapping logic will not immediately reflect in ongoing or old projects. To apply the changes to desired projects, you must perform a Hierarchy Re-map action within each project. For more details on this action, see the "Courses" section in the following article How to Create a Course Evaluation Project


Exporting the Hierarchy Mapper

You can export the structure of your hierarchy mapper as an Excel file by clicking on Export Hierarchy Mapper. An Excel file will then be automatically downloaded to your computer, containing an overview of all the levels of your hierarchy's mapping logic. The Excel file will have one tab labeled, "Table" with five columns displaying the following information: 

  1. Column A: Level
    The name of the level from your hierarchy. 

  2. Column B: LevelPath 
    Represents the path of each level. The path hierarchy starts with the topmost level, followed by the parent and then the child. For example, the level path "YourUniversity.Art.Draw" indicates that "YourUniversity" is the topmost level, "Art" is a parent level, and "Draw" is a child of the "Art" parent level. 

  3. Column C: Condition
    The attribute used to map your courses. 

  4. Column D: Operand 
    The operator that is being used in the mapping logic

  5. Column E: Value 
    The specific value that must be met for the mapping logic.  

Note: Levels may appear multiple times in the Excel file if there is more than one line of mapping logic configured for the level. 


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