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How to Create a Course Evaluation Project


The following article provides step-by-step instructions for creating and deploying a course evaluation project.

If you're utilizing both Course Evaluations & Surveys and Faculty Success, and have integrated the two applications, feel free to check out this article for some additional configuration tips. These tips will assist you in building a project that supports the integration between the two applications. To learn more about the integration of these applications, see Course Evaluations & Surveys - Faculty Success Integration

A course evaluation project contains courses, students enrolled in the courses who take the surveys, and instructors enrolled in courses who can be provided access to results to the courses they teach.

Create Project

  1. Login to Course Evaluations & Surveys as a CES Administrator.
  2. Click on Surveys & Projects from the top navigation tab, then click Projects
  3. Click on +Create New Project.
  4. Select Course Evaluation Project and click Begin



Here you will setup the parameters for your project, including: title, dates and displays. For more information, refer to the Project Properties article.


Within the Courses subsection, you will import the courses to be evaluated for this project.

  1. Click on +Create New Course to manually create course by course.
  2. Click on Data Import > Excel to upload a course file.
    1. Choose File and click on Upload to upload a course file into your project.
  3. Click on Data Import > (Your LMS) to import course data via your LMS integration.
  4. Hierarchy Re-Map: Use this feature if you have made changes within your hierarchy mappings since the original import of courses into this project and need to re-map the courses in this project to the new hierarchical mappings within your Hierarchy Mapper.
  5. Search for courses within a project.




Within the Users subsection, you can create users/enrollments within a project.

  1. Click on +Create New User to manually create users.
  2. Click on Data Import > Excel to upload a User File to attach users/enrollments to your courses within a project

    Note: if you are importing course data from your LMS or FTP, these users will have already come over as enrollments within those courses).
    1. Choose File and click on Upload to upload a user file into your project.
  3. To schedule Enrollment Refresh instances with FTP or your LMS, click on Data Import > (Your LMS).
    1. For FTP or LMS data integration, schedule Enrollment Refresh instances. Enrollment Refresh will compare current enrollments within courses in the Course Evaluations & Surveys project to those enrollments in your courses within your LMS, or FTP, and then add/drop students and/or instructors accordingly.
    2. You can schedule multiple Enrollment Refresh instances within your project here. If an enrollment refresh is scheduled for a date/time in the past, it will occur instantly.
  4. Search for users within a project.



Within the Survey subsection you will select both the Main Survey for the project and any additional Targeted Surveys for specific departments and/or courses. You can only add ONE Main Survey per a project, but do have the option to add as many additional Targeted Surveys for specific departments or courses as you like.
  1. Main Survey: The Main Survey assigned to the Project will be assigned to all courses and student/respondent enrollments in the project. To add your main survey click Select a Survey button, find the desired survey, and click on the Select check mark, and then Save Survey. A confirmation window will display at the bottom of the page to confirm that the Main Survey has been saved.

    NOTE: Only surveys that are designated as Course Main Survey type can be chosen as a main survey.  You cannot change the main survey once the project has started collecting data.
  2. Targeted Surveys: Targeted Surveys can be added to the main survey for specific courses and/or departments within your project. You can assign multiple targeted surveys to various departments and/or courses within your project.

    Note: Only surveys that are designated as Course Targeted survey type can be chosen as a targeted survey.
    1. To add a targeted survey, click on + Add New Targeted Survey under Targeted Surveys.
    2. From your survey menu, select the desired targeted survey by clicking on the Select checkmark and then click Next: Select Courses.
    3. Here, you can select a specific level within your hierarchy to attach the targeted survey. For example, if this survey targets School of Business students, you would select the School of Business level in your hierarchy, as well as any additional departments under the School of Business.
    4. Once you have selected the correct levels in your hierarchy, click Finish: Save Targeted Survey.
    5. You can also attach the targeted survey to specific courses by clicking on the Select Specific Courses tab.
    6. Here, you would click on Add Courses and walk through the steps to search for the desired courses. Once found, select the courses and then click on Finish: Add Selected Courses & Save Targeted Survey.
    7. Under Targeted Surveys, you can view the targeted surveys that you have selected, as well as click on the hyperlink under Courses to view how many and which courses the targeted survey has been attached to.
    8. Again, you can attach multiple targeted surveys within a project.

Change Survey Sort Order at the project level

Changing the survey sort order at the project-level will set the survey sort order for that specific project. Changes made at the project-level will override the account default survey sort order for that specific project.

To change the survey sort order at the project-level:

  1. Scroll down to the Project Survey Sort Order section.
  2. Click on the triple bar for the survey type you wish to move and drag to the desired location.


  1. Once the survey types have been moved to their desired order, click Save to save the new survey sort order.
  2. Click Reset to reset the survey sort order back to the default survey sort order (listed above).


If a change is made to the default survey sort order at the account-level AFTER you have already changed the survey sort order in a particular project, the account-level settings will override your project survey sort order changes.



Here you can create and control e-mail communications to your students, instructors and administrators. E-mail Options include:
  1. Pre-Survey Announcement E-mail: Used to alert students, instructors and administrators to upcoming start dates for course evaluations.
  2. Survey Invitation and Announcement E-mail: Used to invite respondents to login and complete their course evaluations, as well as to alert instructors and administrators to the availability of course evaluations to their students.
  3. Non-Respondent E-mail: This communication is sent out to only those students who have not successfully completed their course evaluations.
    1. The non-respondent e-mail communication can also be sent out to instructors with course response rate information in a Table of Courses to help them encourage students to complete course evaluations during this time.
  4. Results Notification E-mail: Used to inform instructors and administrators that their course evaluation results are available.
  5. Certificate of Completion E-mail: Is automatically sent to students once a survey is successfully completed.
  6. Anytime E-mail: Is sent to a specific user or batch of users for general purposes.


Report Setup

The Report Setup tab is the report access setup for this specific project. For more information, refer to the Report Setup article.

Deploy Project

  1. Once a project has been deployed, you are able to return and change start/end survey dates, project properties, user & course information, communications and report setup. However, once a project has been deployed, you are not able to change the selected surveys.
  2. As a CES Administrator, you can also temporarily suspend a project, should there be any critical changes you need to make.


    Suspending a project will disable survey taking, survey notifications within your LMS, and any unsent project communications will not go out to users.

  3. Once you unsuspend a project, survey taking will resume and survey notifications in your LMS will display.
  4. When you unsuspend the project, you have option to either:

    • Send the suspended emails - in which case any emails that queued up during the suspension will send immediately and a date will be reflected corresponding to when those emails were sent.

    • Do not send the suspended emails - In this case, the emails will remain suspended and 1/1/0001 will be reflected under the send date column as those emails are not being sent.

  5. If a project is ever suspended, the "Suspend History" link will display the history and the "Projects" page of Course Evaluations & Surveys will allow you to search for any projects with a suspended status.

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