Course Evaluations & Surveys requires information about courses and users for each Project, and receives this information via a Course and User upload process within the Project functionality.
These upload files are Microsoft Excel formatted files containing the below fields. One row per course and one row per course enrollment.
The top row of the file contains a header row with each column name as indicated below, use these exactly as specified below. And, don't include the optional fields in your files unless you choose to use these fields, and if not used, do not include the header for an optional field.
When uploading an Excel or text file (.xlsx or .txt), columns or rows with a text value longer then 255 characters must go to the top of the file and within the first 15 rows, however, the long text string does not need to be in all 15 rows. The first 15 rows of the file defines the column type and size, which is a known feature in Excel.
Course File
These fields are optional and can be omitted from the upload file if not being used. When omitting fields from the file do not include the field name in the Header Row and omit data from contents rows. Date format is MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM.
Title: The course title (Max. 1024 characters).
Code: The course code as displayed to users (Max. 440 characters).
CourseUniqueID: The unique identifier for the course and what is used in the User File to associate users to a course (Max. 440 characters, and this field needs to be unique over time and projects).
SurveyStart: The defined start date for Survey Access for this course.
SurveyEnd: The defined end date for Survey Access for this course.
AdminLevelStart: The defined start date for administrator reporting access to Administrator Reports for this course.
AdminLevelEnd: The defined end date for administrator reporting access to Administrator Reports for this course.
AdminCourseLevelStart: The defined start date for administrator reporting access to Course Reports for this course.
AdminCourseLevelEnd: The defined end date for administrator reporting access to Course Reports for this course.
InstructorCourseLevelStart: The defined start date for instructor reporting access to Course Reports for this course.
InstructorCourseLevelEnd: The defined end date for instructor reporting access to Course Reports for this course.
NodePath: Where course resides in the Account Hierarchy (e.g., mycollege.department.program). This is an optional field, the same result can be achieved by using the Hierarchy Mapper feature to train the system to automate the course - department pairings.
Remove: An optional field, and if included and field value is set to "1" then the specific course would be removed/deleted from the project. If the project was deployed and there are survey responses already submitted in the course, if removed, all survey responses for the course would also be deleted. 1 = Remove.
CrossListUniqueID: An optional field and provides support for cross-listed courses. Where one course is selected as the "parent" course where all survey responses would be available for the parent and all "children" courses, children courses would not display in reporting. To make a course a child course, simply insert the parent's course unique id into this field, which makes the course a child and crosslists with the specified parent.
User File
These fields are optional and can be omitted from the upload file if not being used.
UserTypeID: The code for user type:
Instructor Code = 3
Student Code = 4
Teaching Assistant = 6
CourseUniqueID: The unique identifier for the course and matches up with the Course File to associate users to a course (Max. 440 characters)
FirstName: The user's first name (Max. 128 characters)
LastName: The user's last name (Max. 128 characters)
Email: The user's email address (Max. 256 characters)
Username: The user's Course Evaluations & Surveys username. Note: For LMS/Portal customers, this is also the LMS/Portal Username (Max. 64 characters)
Password: The user's Course Evaluations & Surveys password (Max. 16 characters, Optional field if using LMS or Single Sign On)*
Unenroll: An optional field, and if included and field value is set to "1" then the specific user (student or instructor) would be removed/dropped from the specific course. If the project was deployed and there survey responses already submitted in the course from the student, the unenrolled/dropped student's survey responses for the course would also be deleted. 1 = Remove*
DisableReporting: An optional field, and if included and field value is set to "1" then reporting for the specific instructor for the specific course would be disabled and not available even when the CES Administrator has enabled reporting within the project. 1 = Disable*
DisableCustomQuestion: An optional field for instructor users, and if included and field value is set to "1" then access to the Custom Question functionality for the specific course is disabled (if this feature is turned on for instructors). When this field is blank, Custom Question access for instructors is enabled, but still requires the feature to be turned on within the project settings (Note: the field setting of 0 also enables this setting). 1 = Disable*
OptOut: An optional field, and if included and field value is set to "1" then the user's response will be set to Opted Out for the course and the user will no longer have an active evaluation for the course, but still requires the feature to be turned on within the project properties. 1 = Disable*