Term |
Definition |
Activation email | The email a student receives within 1-3 business days after purchasing a Tk20 account or registering a bookstore purchase. This email confirms the student purchase, provides the student with a username and password, and outlines instructions for contacting the campus Unit Administrator for assistance. |
Advisement | Functionality that allows faculty to guide and monitor advisees’ academic information and progress through an academic program. The Advisement tab houses Advisement functionality, including transition point management. |
Aggregate report | A type of core report that generates cumulative results for the parameters specified. |
Application | An electronic form used to apply for matriculation into an institution, program, or stage of a program. |
Artifact | An electronic form that collects and stores a variety of student and faculty work, from general files to syllabi to lesson plans, which users can attach to assignments, field experience binders, and portfolios. |
Artifact template | An outline of an artifact that indicates the fields a user needs to complete. |
Assessment planning | The section, located in the Planning tab, where institutions and programs can create a map for measuring the achievement of an outcome, goal, or objective within a specified period of time. The Assessment Plan delineates the means or measures that an institution will use to determine whether and how the outcomes, goals, or objectives have been met, and allows for the analysis of results and the drafting of recommendations for subsequent Assessment plan periods. |
Assessment tool | An electronic form in Tk20 used to evaluate student work. |
Assessor | Any individual who evaluates student work. |
Assignment | Any task, such as an essay, lesson plan, or reflection, assigned to a student and sent through a course. |
Best practices | Recommendations for implementing the Tk20 system designed to provide institutions with optimal analytical leverage and reporting capabilities. |
Comprehensive Report | A type of core report that generates individual results for the parameters specified. |
Configuration | The process of building electronic forms and templates, or uploading data into Tk20. You can contact support by clicking Submit A Request (subject: Configuration) for help with the configuration |
Cooperating Site | A school at which a teacher candidate completes his/her field work. |
Cooperating Teacher | A certified teacher who supervises and mentors student teachers at a placement site. |
Core Report | A standard report available in an institution’s Tk20 system that generates data pooled from all the collected and imported data within the system according to the specified parameters. |
Course-based Assessment (CBA) | Any assessment that evaluates an assignment taking place within a classroom setting or connected to a course. |
Course Binder | An electronic version of a binder notebook in which students can upload and store artifacts and documents within previously defined binder tabs. |
Course Evaluation | An assessment of a course completed by enrolled students. |
Coursework | Any task assigned to students within a classroom setting, including assignments, projects, quizzes, observations, and exams. |
Course Registration | Tk20 functionality that allows users to search for courses by name, course number, and a variety of other parameters, and to verify and edit course enrollment. |
Data Base Extender (DBE) | Is a form that can be created in the Administration tab that allows users to customize the fields for data are stored in their Tk20 system. For example, Faculty Detail form and the Campus DBE. |
Dataload | The act of electronically loading data from an institutional database into Tk20 via an Excel sheet or pipe delimited format. |
Document | Any file created or saved by a Tk20 system user. |
Document Room | A secure online repository in Tk20 where users can upload documents to share. |
Extension | The provision of additional time in which to complete a task. |
Feedback form | A form that a student requests an assessor complete, which provides the student with comments on a submitted artifact. |
Field Experience | The stage at which a student completes an internship at a cooperating site |
Field Experience Binder | An electronic form to which students, university supervisors, and cooperating teachers can upload and store documents, assess student work, and provide feedback associated with student field work. |
Field Experience Template | A model of the Field Experience Binder that creates place holders for students, university supervisors, and cooperating teachers to upload documents, assess student work, and provide feedback. |
Form builder | The section within the Administration tab where users can build electronic forms, including assessment tools, surveys, and course evaluations. |
Functionality | Individual elements of the Tk20 software that serve unique purposes to assist in your accreditation needs, such as Planning or Course Based Assessments. |
Hierarchy | A visual representation of an institution’s research-generating or data-collecting divisions stored within Tk20. A hierarchy is essential for enforcing organizational security in many Tk20 functionalities. |
Instant Insight Report | Custom reporting that allows users to apply sophisticated filters and unique parameters to certain data sets that. In the Reports tab, click “Create New Report” to utilize Instant Insight. |
Key Assessments | Those assessments shown to accrediting agencies that demonstrate how an educational institution or program actualizes the outcomes, goals, or objectives that it claims to achieve. |
Library | The section within Tk20 where forms, templates, and standards created by administrators are stored for other users to check out for use in their courses. |
Mapping | The process of connecting a goal, outcome, objectives, or standards with another goal, outcome or objective within one organization in an institution’s hierarchy or across organizations to show relation in reporting. |
Measure | A quantitative indicator that provides tangible evidence that educational institutions, programs, or departments produce the outcomes or objectives they claim to produce. |
News | Stories or announcements about the university or Tk20 features made for system users to read on the home page of your Tk20 system. |
Observation | An assessment of a student delivering a lesson plan or other presentation either in a classroom or as a part of the field experience. Observations are conducted independent from student submissions. |
Outcome | The end product an educational institution or program aims to achieve. |
Pending Task | An assignment or assessment not yet submitted from a user’s account. |
Personal Identification Number (PID) | The unique identifying number assigned to a user by the user’s institution. |
Placement | Assigning student teacher candidates to a specific cooperating site at which the candidate completes field work. |
Portfolio | Collection of documents and resource assembled over the course of a student’s educational career which can be shared with potential employers. |
Preferences | The area located in the Home tab where an administrator can configure settings for certain aspects of Tk20, such as appearance or password. |
Privileges | The area located under Security in the Administration tab where an administrator can determine the visibility of system components based on role. |
Recall | The act of retracting an assignment or assessment submitted from a user’s Tk20 account. A user will then be able to edit the recalled item. |
Revoke | The act of a faculty member deleting or withdrawing an assignment from an individual student or from an entire course or assessment from a user’s Tk20 account. The result will depend on several factors. |
Role | Roles, such as student or unit administrator determine which system components Tk20 users can access in order to ensure system security. |
Rubric | Criteria used to grade an assignment constructed in Form Builder. A rubric is also the physical document used to score an assignment and to provide feedback to a student. |
Security | Area of the system that allows for the management of user roles and privileges. |
Single-sign on (SSO) | A method of accessing Tk20 where students log in directly to their Tk20 accounts from their institution’s website rather than from a Tk20 portal. |
Student Information System (SIS) | A software application for higher education institutions that helps them to obtain and manage student data. Examples include Banner, Peoplesoft, Jenzebar, and Colleague. |
Student placement | The assignment of students to a particular site for field work. |
Survey | An electronic questionnaire used to gather data on a particular topic. Survey data is then used to create Tk20 reports. |
Task | An item the user needs to complete in the system, such as completing an assignment or submitting an assessment. |
Template | An outline of a file or assignment that needs to be created. |
Transition Points | Markers that outline the stages of a program through which students must successfully pass. |
Unit Administrator | The principle coordinator and main point of contact for Tk20 – related information for an institution’s students, faculty, and administrative staff. Also, the unit administrator is the security role assigned to this individual in the Tk20 system. |
University Supervisor | A member of the faculty who oversees student teachers. |
User | Anyone using the Tk20 system. |
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