Aligning Standards to Forms for Assessment
Our Support Team commonly aligns standards to rubric criteria, and you can ask them to align standards to your forms by clicking Submit A Request (subject: Align Standards).
To align standards as quickly as possible, we ask that you verify that the standards are created on your server by going to Administration Standards, as well as providing the exact alignment. This is often indicated by providing a Word version of your rubric with the standards aligned to your criteria. When you submit your request for standard alignment, be sure to indicate the standard body in your request to our Support Team by clicking Submit A Request.
Sample Message to Support: Please configure the attached rubric and align CAEP standards as indicated in the attached document
Manually Aligning Standards to Forms
Once the standard body has been activated in Administration Standards and you are aligned to the organization it is housed in, you will now be able to align standards to forms. If you need assistance with creating or activating a standard body see Configuring Standards. To align standards to forms you will need to have already configured your form in Form Builder.
Aligning Standards to the Rubric Criterion Level
- Go to Administration Form Builder. Select the form that you would like to align the standard to.
- Select the middle tab “Custom Form.”
- Navigate to where the rubric is placed in the form. To align at the rubric criterion level click the title of the rubric located in the “Entries” column.
- Please note that it is also possible to align standards at the rubric level (as opposed to the rubric criterion level) by select the “Standards” link located in the “Standards/Outcomes” column. While it’s possible to align standards here its best practice to align at the criterion level to allow for granular reporting.
- If you already have standards aligned to this criterion, you will see a number (1, 2, 3, etc.) appear next to “Standards,” indicating how many are currently aligned:
- If you would like to add additional standards, click on the “Standards” link, and then on the next screen select the green ‘+’ box:
- To add a new standard, use the drop-down menu to locate the desired standard body and select “Search.” Select the check box next to any standard to be added, and then select “Add” at the bottom of the page. Make sure to select “Update” to return to the rubric criteria screen.
- If you do not see the desired standard in the drop-down menu, the standard body may not be present in Tk20, or you will need to associate yourself to a common organization in the hierarchy. To see which organization your standard body belongs to, you can go to Administration Standards.
- Once you are finished aligning standards, click “Update” on the Edit Entry/Question page, and then “Update” on the Custom Form Page. You will then return to the Search screen in Form Builder.