Login Troubleshooting
If a user is not able to log in, the first item that needs to be checked is what the primary role of that specific user is:
Click on Administration in the main navigation menu on the left.
- Click on Users in the secondary menu.
- Search for the user who is having trouble logging in. Once you have found the user, the second column should indicate the Primary Role.
- Once you know the Primary Role of the user, you will need to know the authentication source of that role.
- To find the authentication source, click on Security in the secondary menu of the Administration tab.
- You should now see a table with the role name in the left-hand column and the authentication source in the right-hand column.
If the authentication source for the role is Local:
- Click on Users in the secondary menu of the Administration tab.
- Click on Reset Password.
- Search for the user(s) whose password(s) you want to reset. When you click on the Search button, your results will be displayed below the search bar in the Users Found section. Note that you can also search by role.
- Select the user(s) from the list of Users Found and then click on the green Reset button to reset their password(s).
If the authentication source for the role is NOT Local (CAS, Shibboleth, LDAP*, etc):
This means that Tk20 is using remote authentication and you will not be able to reset the password via the “Password Reset” section of Tk20. Instruct the user that they should be using their university credentials (the same username and password that they use to access other web-based applications such as their LMS – Blackboard, Canvas, etc.). If the user is able to login to other systems but not Tk20, please contact your university’s IT team to ensure that the correct linkage is taking place between the university and Tk20. If the issue still persists, please contact our Support team by clicking Submit A Request (subject: Login Issues)
*If you are using LDAP authentication, here are common error messages and their meaning: