Academic Data Import
Academic data is term-level data about students that can be used to track student progress in an academic program, assign appropriate Student Learning & Licensure activities, and aggregate/disaggregate their performance data in reports. The information used to populate these fields may be available within your student information system, and should be updated on a regular (either yearly or each term) basis.
User ID
⦁ Explanation: Defines which user this data belongs
⦁ Field Type and Length: defined options
⦁ Sample file column: N/A
⦁ Import Status: Required
Term Code
⦁ Explanation: Defines which term the data is relevant
⦁ Field Type and Length: defined options
⦁ Sample file column:
⦁ Import Status: Required
Cumulative GPA
⦁ Explanation: Student's cumulative GPA
Accepted Values:
⦁ Whole numbers or decimals
⦁ Field Type and Length: defined options
⦁ Sample file column: N/A
⦁ Import Status: Optional
Term GPA
⦁ Explanation: Student's GPA for term listed in column B
Accepted Values:
⦁ Whole numbers or decimals
⦁ Field Type and Length: no decimal limit
⦁ Sample file column: N/A
⦁ Import Status: Optional
Attending Status
⦁ Explanation: Defines if user is a full-time student
Accepted Values:
⦁ Part-time = "PTE"
⦁ Full-time = "FTE"
⦁ Sample file column: N/A
⦁ Import Status: Optional
Primary Major
⦁ Explanation: Defines user's primary major
⦁ Field Type and Length: Alphanumeric, 50
⦁ Sample file column: N/A
⦁ Import Status: Optional
Primary Major Concentration
⦁ Explanation: Defines user's primary major concentration
⦁ Field Type and Length: Alphanumeric, 50
⦁ Sample file column: N/A
⦁ Import Status: Optional
Additional Major
⦁ Explanation: Defines user's additional major or second major
⦁ Field Type and Length: Alphanumeric, 50
⦁ Sample file column: N/A
⦁ Import Status: Optional
Additional Major Concentration
⦁ Explanation: Defines user's additional major concentration or second major concentration
⦁ Field Type and Length: Alphanumeric, 50
⦁ Sample file column: N/A
⦁ Import Status: Optional
⦁ Explanation: Defines user's minor
⦁ Field Type and Length: Alphanumeric, 50
⦁ Sample file column: N/A
⦁ Import Status: Optional
Earned Credit Hours
⦁ Explanation: Student's cumulative credit hours at time of term listed in column B
Accepted Values:
⦁ Whole numbers or decimals
⦁ Field Type and Length: no decimal limit
⦁ Sample file column: N/A
⦁ Import Status: Optional
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