Import Terms
Purpose: This optional import allows administrators to create new terms in Student Learning & Licensure. If terms are created through this import (or if they're created manually by going to the Settings > Term page in an administrator account) you are able to associate TERM CODE values with them. Those TERM CODE values can then be used in the Sections Import in place of the full term format: TERMNAME DD/MM/YYYY~DD/MM/YYYY
Accepted File Formats – The import supports the following file types:
*.csv UTF-8
All files must have the correct file extension.
Term Import Fields
The Term Import must be done before the Sections Import
All of these fields must be in the header row of each upload. Fields can be uploaded in any order. The sample file has the fields in the following order:
- Explanation: Unique identifier for the term
- Example: 2021FA
- Field Type and Length: Alphanumeric, 50
- Sample File Column: A
- Import Status: Required
- Explanation: The name of the term
- Example: Fall 2021
- Field Type and Length: Alphanumeric, 50
- Sample File Column: B
- Import Status: Required
- Explanation: The start date for the term
- Example: 01/01/2021
- Field Type and Length: Alphanumeric, 50
- Sample File Column: C
- Import Status: Required
- Explanation: The end date for the term
- Example: 01/01/2021
- Field Type and Length: Alphanumeric, 50
- Sample File Column: D
- Import Status: Required