After you have successfully established automated data loads from your SFTP to the system, you may navigate to Administration Data Load Status at any time to review the following
- Confirm the loading of all past files, include time and date
- Review specific SIS information in the original file from your IT
- Review the error logs for each file that has been loaded via automated data loads
Confirm Loading
User with access to Administration Data Load Status can confirm the loading of any and all files that have been loaded to your server via automated data loads. Data files typically contain the date on which the file was generated by campus IT. The Data Load Status area will then display start and end date and time in which the file was loaded into the system.
Files provided to the SFTP by your IT for Tk20 to be picked up will not automatically display in this area. Files and file loading information will only appear here, under Administration Data Load Status, after they have been loaded to your server. Files provided to the SFTP by your IT can be provided at any time of the day. The files provided will then be loaded sometime between 11pm CST and 6am CST the following night.
Reviewing your SIS files
User with access to Administration Data Load Status can review the original files provided by campus IT to confirm the inclusion of specific SIS information. Files provided by campus IT will be pipe-delimited flat files (files without formatting for programs like Excel) per our Getting Started with Data Loads data import guidelines. To access these files, simply click the blue name of the file. The flat file should appear in a new tab in your browser.
Reviewing the Error File
User with access to Administration Data Load Status can review the error file for every file that has been loaded via automated data loads. Every file loaded will produce and error file every time as a record of loading. To review the error file, simply click the blue ‘Error File’ name in line with the SIS file you are interested in reviewing.
Three categories of error files
- No errors – the error file only contains two lines, ‘Loading’ and ‘Done Loading’
- Expected errors – the error file may contain many rows of errors however, the errors listed are expected. For example, if an SIS file contains column headers for two majors but most students only have one major, we expect to see an error for every student who is ‘missing’ a second major.
- Errors to be Addressed – Please review the error files for the Student, Faculty, and Course data carefully for any unexpected errors. May common errors are described in detail below and may need to be addressed with your campus IT, campus SIS administrator, and/or with our data load team.
Most common possible errors with descriptions
Error: “2018-01-06 03:27:09 ERROR CSVLoader:901 – Row 15384 : Error searching for “Student_ID_Number – G01148496″. Student_ID_Number – G01148496 does not exist in the system [Eva|Garcia||G01148496||201810|99/99/1987|CERG Applied Behavior Analysis|E1-CERG-ABAC||||||||||]”
Description: This error is thrown when aligning the major/program or any other information associated to PID is to be loaded but PID does not exist in the system.
Error: “2018-01-06 03:02:59 ERROR CSVLoader:901 – Row 15397 : Required field value not provided in Username field in file [Abdullah|Alzahrani||G01152866||201810|99/99/1999|INTO Academic English|IN-NC-AE||||||||||]”
Description: This error occurs while creating a user and username field in data file is not provided for corresponding PID.I.e, username field is blank.
Error: “2018-01-06 04:19:52 ERROR CSVLoader:899 – ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint “tk_user_username_uidx” Detail: Key (lower(tk_username::text))=(wgulgert) already exists at line 131″
Description: This error occurs when provided username (corresponding to its PID in data file) already exists with some other PID in the system.
Error: “2017-12-14 04:08:54 ERROR CSVLoader:990 – Exception The following expected fields were not seen: CSDII, DI, DII, DIII, CSDI, DIV, DVIII, DV, DVII, DIX, CSDIII, DX, DXI, DXII, DVI, CSDIV, CSDV”
Description: For any data file, error saying “expected fields were not seen” is found in error log file then it means that the expected field names are not provided in data file and hence its information will not be loaded.
Error: “2017-07-08 03:13:08 ERROR CSVLoader:901 – Row 78 : Error searching for “ADVISOR_ID – 909293657″. ADVISOR_ID – 909293657 does not exist in the system [Tiffany|Del|del_tiffany|909408112| (|201705|09/21/1992|F|WHITE|3.71|US|Junior|Mathematics, BS|Bachelor of Science|Mathematics|Mathematics and Secondary Ed|||||||909293657|]”
Description: This means that Advisor PID/User PID provided does not exists in the system and hence the advisor corresponding to that particular user will not align.
Error: “2017-07-08 03:01:35 ERROR CSVLoader:901 – Row 3 : Required field value not provided in CONCENTRATION1 field in file [Lissa|Hammond|hammond_earlissa|909411367| (|201705|07/30/1996|F|BLACK|2.51|US|Junior|Early Childhood Edu, BSED|Bachelor of Science in Educ.|Early Childhood Education||||||||909000946|]”
Description: In any error log file, error saying “Required field value not provided” means that the particular field is required to load the information but its value not provided in the data file.
Error: “2018-01-06 04:38:48 ERROR CSVLoader:901 – Row 37 : Error searching for “Term_Code – 14125.201810″. Term_Code – 14125.201810 does not exist in the system [G00003479|14125|A|201810]”
Description: This error occurs when we are using the term code to load any information and the provided term code does not exist in system.
Error: “2017-12-14 04:08:44 ERROR CSVLoader:901 – Row 7 : Error searching for”SECTIONID – 201801_10515″. SECTIONID – 201801_10515 does not exist in the system [W00123624|201801_10515|A]”
Description: This error occurs when we are using the SectionID to load any information (Say, schedules, meeting/location information) but the provided sectionID does not exist in system.
Error: “2017-07-08 03:05:50 ERROR CSVLoader:901 – Row 1570 : Error searching for “CSU_ID –”. CSU_ID”CSU_ID – 909372736″. CSU_ID – 909372736 does not exist in the system [Michael|Zell|zell_michael|909372736||201705|12/03/1964|M|BLACK||SS|Specialist Student|Educational Lead. Online, EDS|Specialist in Education|Educational Leadership||||||||909050646|]”
Description: This error message is printed when, creating the Student term based roster but the provided PID does not have the primary role of “STUDENT” and hence the roster will not be created.
Error: “2017-07-08 03:10:09 ERROR CSVLoader:901 – Row 1570 : Error searching for “null-″. null″null”. null does not exist in the system [Michael|Zell|zell_michael|909372736| (|201705|12/03/1964|M|BLACK||SS|Specialist Student|Educational Lead. Online, EDS|Specialist inEducation|Educational Leadership||||||||909050646|]”
Description: This error occurs, when aligning the term based major/program/advisor with user under Term based tab but either Term code or Term based roster or PID does not exists in the system.
Error: “2018-01-08 04:00:15 ERROR AutomaterMain:112 – Automated script could not find the file with nameas part of file naming convention configuration”
Description: When this error message is printed in the Error log file then it means that the whole data file is not loaded. This error is encountered when the naming convention of the data file(s) is not as per the names decided at the time for automated analysis. To fix this issue, customer needs to place the data file again with correct naming conventions.
The below ones are not errors but only the log messages for filtering the Adds/Drops from a Student/Faculty schedule data files and then using them to perform an action. These are:
Error: “2018-01-05 03:16:00 ERROR CSVLoader:901 – Row 7: Field value (A) seen at line 7 and field position 3 of csv file is not an allowed value for that field.[13501465|20185000268|A]”
Description: This log message means that, we are opting out the Adds and just using the rows with D/Drop values from the data files are dis-associating the users from courses.
Error: “2018-01-05 03:16:01 ERROR CSVLoader:901 – Row 166: Field value (D) seen at line 166 and field position 3 of csv file is not an allowed value for that field.[00284036|20185001361|D]”
Description: This log message says that, we are opting out the Drops and just using the rows with A/Adds values from the data files are associating the users with courses.