User Experience: External Reviewer

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When an External Reviewer is approved, a unique access URL is generated and shared with them via email outside of Faculty Success in order to invite them to submit their review for the candidate. Upon clicking on the link, they will be taken to a landing page where they will be informed of the candidate they are being asked to review, allowing them to accept or decline the invitation as shown in the image below.  

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The link will only be active for 10 minutes after it is first accessed and new link must be requested if more time is needed. This article outlines the actions an External Reviewer can take when they receive an email to review a candidate as well as how a new link can be requested and how to resolve common system error messages. 

Accepting an Invitation 

When first opening the unique access URL, the External Reviewer can accept the invitation by clicking the "Accept" button. This action takes them to the candidate's submission to submit their review material. The following sections provide more details on actions that can be taken after accepting an invitation: 

Reminder: An External Reviewer can continue to use the same unique access URL for 10 minutes after first accessing it. After 10 minutes, they will need to generate a new unique access URL. See the "Generating a New Unique Access URL" section of this article for more information on how to do this. 


Submitting your Review

Once the External Review has entered their review into the designated fields made available to them and completed any required fields (marked with an red asterisk "*"), they can submit their review by selecting the "SUBMIT" button in the upper-right corner and confirming in the pop up message that they want to submit their review by selecting the OK button.

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Once a response is submitted, the External Reviewer receives a confirmation message thanking them for their review. This message is not customizable. They will also be prompted with the option to download a copy of their review for their records.

Note: An External Reviewer can only enter their review in the designated fields and view steps that have been made visible to them through the form security settings configured by the Workflow Administrator. If they wish to see the contents of a step they don't have access to, it is recommended for them to contact the person who shared the unique access URL to request access.

Saving your Progress 

An External Reviewer may save their progress to return to the submission and continue later. To do this, they will select the "Save" button shown in the image below. 

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Downloading Submission Contents  

The contents of a submission can be downloaded by clicking the downward-facing arrow shown in the following image. After clicking the arrow, the contents of the submissions will be automatically downloaded to the External Reviewer's device as a zip file. 

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Declining an Invitation 

After opening the unique access URL, an External Reviewer can select the "Decline" button to decline the invitation to review the candidate. If an External Reviewer wants to decline the invitation after opening the URL, they can do so by selecting the "X" icon to Cancel their review and then select the "Decline" button. 

If the External Reviewer changes their mind, they can access the URL again and click "Accept" to review the candidate. Note that the URL is only active for 10 minutes after it is first opened. After 10 minutes, a new link must be generated. See the "Generating a New Unique Access URL" section of this article for more information on how to do this. 


Generating a New Unique Access URL 

A new unique access URL needs to be generated by the External Reviewer after 10 minutes from opening the original URL. This can be done by clicking on the previously shared unique access URL, which will prompt the External Reviewer to confirm their email address in the "Email Address Linked to your Invitation" field. If the email address in this field is incorrect, the External Reviewer is encouraged to contact the individual who initially shared the URL to have the email address corrected. If the email address is correct, they can click the "Confirm & Send" button. An email from Faculty Success will be sent to the External Reviewer with an updated unique access URL. This email will come from From this email, they can click the "Start Reviewing" button or the URL to access the submission again. 

Note: The step owner of the External Reviewer step may also generate a new unique access URL to share with the External Reviewer. This can be done by them navigating to the step's External Reviewer Responses section and clicking on the "Actions" button and selecting "Open Details." A pop-up window will then appear, where the step owner can click on the "General URL" button to create a new unique access URL and share it with the External Reviewer. 


Resolving System Messages

This section provides insights into how to resolve common system error messages that an External Reviewer may receive and how they may be resolved. 

Your access link has recently expired 

As mentioned at the beginning of this article, each access link provided to an External Reviewer is only active for 10 minutes. If an External Reviewer would like to access the submission again after the 10 minutes, a new URL will need to be generated. See the "Generating a New Unique Access URL" section of this article for more information on how to do this.  Screen_Shot_2022-12-29_at_9.17.32_AM.png



Your access is temporarily on hold 

This message appears when an external review is trying to access their review and the submission has been sent back to a prior step, they will receive a note stating that the campus is not quite ready for their review and to check back later or contact the on-campus reviewer by replying to the initial invitation.  Screen_Shot_2022-12-29_at_10.17.25_AM.png

You no longer have access to this invitation 

If an external reviewer tries to access their review after the submission has been advanced past the External Review step or the submission has been completed (either an Early Complete, or a normal Complete), they will receive a note stating that the campus no longer needs their review and to contact the on-campus reviewer if they have any questions.-Screen_Shot_2022-12-29_at_10.21.25_AM.png

You do not have access to this page

If an external reviewer tries to access their review after a schedule has been terminated (and all associated submissions deleted), they will receive a message stating that they no longer have access and to contact their on-campus reviewer.  mceclip0.png

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