Administrators can assign the added Tactics to Organizations, allowing for collaboration with department, office, or other unit leads at the institution. Once they are assigned, leads will be able to update the status of an assigned tactic as well as provide updates on their progress. To do so, they can open an existing tactic and edit it or assign it at the point a new tactic is created. The Lead of the aligned organization will receive an email when the Tactic is assigned to an organization. A Tactic can only be assigned to a single organization at a given time.
NOTE: A Tactic can only be assigned to an organization to which the plan has been published.
Click Manage Strategic Plan.
Click the arrow next to the Strategic Goal to expand the section and click Add Tactic.
In this area, you can give your tactic a title, assign it to an organization, update the status (if necessary), budget and description. Then click Add Tactic.
Once the tactic is assigned to an organization, the email will be sent to leads for that organization. The email will appear similar to the one below:
Leads Accessing Assigned Tactics and Updating Progress