Student (Staff) User Status

What is the Student Status?

Student Status is a field that the Student Success & Engagement determines based on each student's registration data. It is updated multiple times per day by a background job.

The different Student Statuses* are:

  • Current
  • Continuing
  • Inactive

*In addition, under special circumstances, upon an institution's request, inactive students can further be "archived" through a paid engagement or by utilizing a support plan with SS&E Professional Services Staff. More information about archiving users can be found here.

Note: Unless Staff/Non-Student users are excluded from the student filter/list results by leveraging Department Apps and/or Person Types, all staff will be included in the "current student status" student filter results.

  • For more information about Person Types, click here.
  • For more information about Departmental Apps, click here.

Use Cases

  1. Student Status is used to help filter caseloads from User-Settings. More information about Caseload Settings can be found here.
  2. Student Status can help limit student alerts. For example, the student status limits Attendance Alerts to run on Current Students only.
  3. Student Status limits Program Coach Mapping to Current Students only. More information about Program Coach Mapping can be found here.

Latest Active Date

"Each student's registration data" is processed in order to return a single date which is the student's "latest active date."

This date is the latest end date of the course sections for which they are registered or in their associated registration terms.

For example:

  • If a student is registered in the Fall 2018 term that ends on 12/15/2018, yet their latest course section ends on 12/8/2018, the student's "last active date" will be 12/8/2018, which is before the term ends.
  • If a student is registered for the Spring 2018 term which ends on 5/12/2018, yet a course section they are registered for ends on 6/1/2018, then their "last active date" will be 6/1/2018, which is after the term ends.

Student Status Logic

Current Status

Students attending the current term or enrolled in any future term.

  • If a student's last active date is in the future, they will be assigned the "current" status.
  • If a student's last active date is in the past, they are no longer included in pre-defined filters that display only "current" students by default. 
  • Some SS&E dropdowns and search fields only display Current Students (i.e. users must have a Student role & a "Current" student status). For example:
      • The Person Alerts "Person" search by default only displays current students.

Continuing Status

If a student's last active date is in the past, but within the last year, the student will automatically be assigned the "Continuing" status.

  • Continuing students may or may not be included in a Staff View's "caselaod". This is determined by the User Caseload Settings. From User Settings:
      • Current Students (i.e. students that are registered in the current or future terms) are set by default and cannot be removed.
      • If checked, Continuing Students (i.e. students that are not registered in a current or future term yet have attended in the previous year) are also added and included in the user's "Caseload".
  • More information about User Settings can be found here.

Inactive Status

If a student's last active date was more than a year ago, the student will automatically be assigned the "Inactive" status.

Students can also be manually set to inactive in People Administration by clicking on their Person record and selecting "Deactivate".


  • For more information about removing users and Inactive users, click here.

Archived Users

Archived is not a status that appears in SS&E on the student status options. Rather, an archived user refers to an inactive user that was archived based on an engagement with SS&E staff. Once a user is "archived", they are not accessible from the UI and will remain hidden from all SS&E search and display results unless they are reimported from the SIS on the person data feed or "restored" in the database. Archiving a user and restoring an archived user both require an engagement SS&E Staff.

Student Status Exceptions

  1. Only student users are processed in the above manner.
    • Any person record associated with at least one non-student role will be automatically assigned the "Current" status by default, which will also allow the person record to appear in "Current" Student Status search results (unless leveraging person types). 
  2. A "Student" is determined by examining the "Function" of each security role assigned to their person record in People Administration User Details..
    • If a user only has roles that are associated with the "Student" function, then they are considered a student.
    • However, if a user has at least one role that is not associated with a student function, then they are not considered a student (as they are rather a staff-student) and therefore their person record will automatically be associated with the "Current" student status in the database.


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