Reported Issue
When applying a Student Filter by a Program and/or Degree, the filtered results are missing students, or including students that should be excluded by program/degree.
Most likely, the reason this is happening is that the student's transcript record does not have a primary degree program importing on the Transcript data feed.
- A quick way to confirm that a student is missing their primary degree program transcript data is to find a student that should NOT be included in the results to look at their student profile header. If the Program is not displayed on the student's record under the student's name, this confirms why the student is missing from the filtered results.
The Student Filter only selects students based on their Primary Program and Primary Degree. This data imports into Student Success & Engagement from the SIS on the "primaryDegreeProgramId" included in the Transcript data feed.
To learn more about the Student Filter options, please click here.
To summarize, the Student Filter Programs/Degrees reference the Primary Program and Primary Degree that import with the student record on the Transcript data feed. The Transcript data feed Program Degree data displays in the header of the Student record, between the student name and the student id.
- By design, data from the Student's Programs tab is not used by the Student "Programs/Degrees" Filter.
Once determined this is what's happening, searching the Transcript data extract in SS&E Administration SIS Integration Datafeeds will help determine the source of the "missing" transcript data, and how to resolve it.
To learn more about how to troubleshoot the SIS Data Integration, please click here.