Student Success Team - Advisor and Coach Assignments


Each student may be assigned one primary advisor and one primary coach that represent their primary Success Team.

  • When referring to a student's Success Team, many times this also includes the student's Followers. 
  • In general, Followers are staff and faculty that are not listed as the student's primary advisor or primary coach, yet still want to be informed about anything happening with the particular student.
  • For more information about Student Followers, click here.
  • A staff member's caseload will include students where the staff member is listed as the student's primary advisor, primary coach, or follower. Which students are included "On Caseload" also takes into consideration what is set in the individual user's Caseload User Settings.

Student Success Team - Staff View

Each student displayed in SS&E may be associated with a Student Success Team defined by a primary advisor and/or a primary coach.

  • The Student Success Team is displayed on the Student Profile in the People section. 
  • In SS&E, the Staff View "Student Success Team" always includes up to one advisor, up to one coach, and all/any/unlimited student followers.
  • Student Followers are all staff/faculty users that are following the student. 
      • This should not be confused with the Student View "Success Team" that may or may not include all staff and faculty that have chosen to follow the student since this is based on their subscription label, and will only display to students when set to "Student Visible" Yes.

Student Success Team - Student View

In SS&E, the Student View "Student Success Team" always includes up to one advisor and up to one coach.

In addition, the Student View "Student Success Team" also displays additional Staff/Followers which is determined by their Subscription Label "Student Visible" Yes/No setting. 

  • For more information about Subscription Labels, click here.

Prerequisites to Advisor/Coach Role Assignment

In order for a "staff user" to be set as a student's primary advisor or primary coach on the Student Success Team, they must first be assigned a role that is associated with the advisor or coach function.

  1. A primary advisor must be assigned a role that is associated with the Advisor function.
  2. A primary coach must be assigned a role that is associated with the Coach function.
  3. The "target" of a subscription must be a user with a Student role function
  • For more information about Role Functions, click here.
  • To view all roles set up in your system, click here.
  • If a subscription is failing, make sure that the user is assigned a Student role by checking their user details here.
  • The labels used to identify the primary advisor and primary coach titles displayed on the Student Success Team can be modified by each Institution in Institution Administration. For more information, click here.
  • To learn more about how subscriptions are created in SS&E, click here.
  • To learn more about Relationships Administration, click here.
  • To learn more about how subscriptions are expired in SS&E, click here.

Success Team Assignments

  1. A student's Success Team primary advisor and primary coach assignments are usually imported from the SIS on the Person data feed in the advisorId and coachId fields.
      • For more information about the SIS Import Data Definitions, click here.
  2. When not assigned by the SIS, Administrators can manually assign advisors and coaches from the User Interface.
      • Only a logged-in user with an Administrator role can see/use the Edit icon displayed on the student profile tab success team.
  3. A student's success team may be assigned via Bulk Assignment
  4. Coaches may also be automatically assigned via Advisor Coach Mapping or Program Coach Mapping based on the student's advisor or program. 
      • By design, Program Coach Mapping does not remove or change a coach assigned by any other method.
      • For more information about Advisor Coach Mapping, click here.
      • For more information about Program Coach Mapping, click here.

Warning: If not using the SIS to assign coaches, you should only use either Program Coach Mapping or Advisor Coach Mapping, and never both. If both are configured, the student's coach would flip-flop between the assigned coach from Advisor Coach Mapping and Program Coach Mapping.

Success Team Removal

When there is no advisor or coach imported from the SIS on the Person data feed, and the student is currently assigned a success team in SS&E, the SIS Import will only remove the student's advisor and coach assignments if:

  1. The institution's Application Administration allowSuccessTeamRemoval configuration setting is enabled, i.e. set to true.
  2. The advisor/coach member being removed was initially assigned via the SIS Import.
        • If the success team member was manually assigned on the UI by an Administrator (the only role permitted to edit a student's primary advisor/primary coach), it will not be removed, i.e. will not be replaced by a null/empty primary advisor/coach importing from the SIS, and must be manually removed from the UI (via Relationship Administration > Expire Relationship).
  • For more information about Application Administration, click here.
  • This setting only applies to blank/null values imported from the SIS.
  • A non-blank advisorId/coachId imported from the SIS will overwrite manual advisor or coach assignments and advisor/coach assignments previously assigned by the SIS.
  • For further information about how the system will auto expire or how to manually expire subscriptions, eg. advisors/coaches/followers, click here.

Success Team Edit

If the student's advisor or coach assignment was not created by the SIS import, and the logged in user is assigned the Administrator role which is the only role permitted to "edit" the student's primary advisor and primary coach assignments, the student's primary advisor or primary coach may be changed at any time.

  • The "Edit" icon will only display on the student success team for Administrator users.
  • If the current student advisor or coach is being assigned via the SIS Import, any manual change will be "un-done" and overwritten by the SIS Import if the SIS Import advisorId or coachId is NOT null/blank (If it is empty, this depends on other settings that allow success team removal).


  • The advisor and coach should not be the same person.
      • If a student's advisor and coach import from the SIS with the same person id, the student's advisor will be assigned first and a coach will not be assigned.
  • If the student's success team looks incorrect, check Relationships Administration to view how the student's success team got assigned and/or expired.

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