Program Coach Mappings


Program Coach Mappings allow coaches to automatically be assigned to students registered in the current term by their primary degree programs.

A job runs every day at 5:00 AM* that performs this automatic assignment.

When changes are made to Program Coach Mappings, the effects of those changes will not display on the student records coach assignments in SS&E until after the "Auto-Assign Coaches" job runs.

Primary Coach Assignment Methods in SS&E

There are multiple ways for a coach to display on a student record in SS&E:

Manual Assignment

This is done by logging into SS&E and using the student profile page to change the student's coach.

  • By design, the Success Team "Edit" function only displays for a logged-in user that is assigned the Administrator role.
  • UI assigned coaches will overwrite any assigned coach.

SIS Import

This is a coach assignment that imports from the SIS on the Person data feed.

  • Primary coaches imported from the SIS will overwrite any assigned coach.

Bulk Assignments

The Bulk Assignment interface allows advisor, coach, and staff assignments to be defined en masse. It is usually used for the Initial system setup of advisors and coaches or in certain instances when re-assigning students from one advisor or coach to another, either for temporary or permanent purposes.

  • Bulk assigned coaches will overwrite any assigned coach.
  • By design, Program Coach Mapping does not assign coaches to students that are not registered in the current term. However, Bulk Assignments will assign a coach to students that are not registered in the current term.

Automatic Assignment

When a coach is automatically assigned by the Auto-Assign Coaches job, the system tracks that it was assigned as a result of this job.

  • Automatic assignment will only work if the primary coach is not assigned any other method.
      • The automatic coach assignment job does not remove or change a primary coach that was previously assigned by another method.
      • To clarify, if the existing primary coach was assigned via Program Coach Mappings, only then will the Auto Assign Coaches scheduled job update the student's primary coach to the "new" program coach mapping coach assignment. Otherwise, the student's manually-UI/SIS-Imported/Bulk-Assigned coach will not change.

Relationships Administration

To view how a student's Primary Coach was assigned, search by the student name/Id to view the reason associated with the student's existing Primary Coach on the Relationships screen, found here.

      • If an existing coach was assigned by another method and it needs to be assigned a coach via Program Coach Mapping, it will need to be expired so that Program Coach Mapping can assign a coach.
      • For example, a manually assigned coach, bulk-assignment assigned coach or a SIS Import coach assignment take precendent. If these coach assignments already exist in SS&E, the coach assignment will not change by the Auto Assign Coaches Scheduled Job. In addition, a manually assigned coach, bulk-assignment assigned coach or SIS Import coach assignment will overwrite an auto-assigned coach assignment.
      • The quickest way to expire a relationship is on Relationships Administration, per the following screenshot.
        1. On Relationships Administration - Relationships menu
        2. Select the Success Staff member by entering their name or User ID
        3. From the results, either "select all" or multi-select students from the first column
        4. Select "Expire Relationships"



In Administration, navigate to Relationships- Program Coach Mappings.

This section of the administrative tool allows the creation, modification, and deletion of Program Coach Mappings.

Note: Because the system can only assign one coach to a student, multiple Program Coach Mapping records associated with the same Program cannot be created.

  • If an Admin user tries to create a program coach mapping for a program that is currently mapped, the system will not save the new mapping and the following message will appear: "Could not save program coach mapping: there is already a mapping for this program." 2023-05-03_08_37_43-Create_Program_Coach_Mapping.png

Auto-Assign Coaches Job (Program Coach Mapping)

This job will attempt to automatically create, modify, and remove coach assignments for current students based on the Program Coach Mappings configured in the Administrative menu. For example:

  • Creating a Program Coach Mapping will automatically assign the selected coach to current students with a matching primary program if the students do not already have a manually assigned/SIS Import assigned coach.
  • Modifying the Coach on an existing Program Coach Mapping will remove any coach assignments that were created from an "old" Auto-Assigned Auto Coach Program Job, and replace the old coach with the new coach assigned to the selected program.
  • Deleting a Program Coach Mapping will remove any auto-assigned coaches from students in the program of the deleted mapping.
  • A student's primary program is imported from the SIS on the Transcript data feed "primary_degree_program_src_system_id".
  • Program Coach Mapping only runs on students with a "Current" status. More information about Student Statuses can be found here.

Warning - If you are using the SIS to set advisors, you should never configure both Program Coach Mappings and Advisor Coach Mappings!

Rather you should be using one or the other. If both Program Coach Mappings and Advisor Coach Mappings are configured, then a student's assigned coach may flip-flop between what is defined in the student's Advisor Coach Mapping based on the imported student Advisor and what is defined in the student's Program Coach Mapping based on the student's primary program.


What happens if I make a change to a student's coach manually from the UI when there is a Program Coach Mapping for the student's program? Will my UI change be overwritten when the program coach mapping job runs again?

The short answer is no, manual changes will not be overwritten.

The automatic assignment of coaches based on Program Coach Mappings will not remove or replace any coach assignments that have been manually made through the SS&E UI or assigned from the SIS Import Job.

In other words, if a coach has been assigned to a student via the user interface, the Auto-Assign Coaches job will skip that student.

  • Manually expiring a coach assigned from the UI will allow coach mapping to assign a coach.
  • Removing a coach assigned by the SIS Import Person Data Feed will allow the system to auto-assign a coach via Program Coach Mappings.

The Program Coach Mapping logic will only apply to students who either do not have any coach assignment or have a prior coach assignment that was made via the Auto-Assign Coaches job.

If I change the Coach on a Program Coach Mapping, will this modify the coaches assigned to students in the selected Program?

Yes. However, you will need to wait (up to 24 hours) for the Auto-Assign Coaches job to run.

  • Keep in mind that this will only update the coach on current students who were previously assigned their coach via Program Coach Mapping.
  • Removing the coach assigned from the SIS Import Person Data Feed will allow the system to auto assign a new coach via Program Coach Mappings.

If I manually delete a student's coach will that student still be assigned a coach via a Program Coach Mapping?

Yes. While the automatic assignment of coaches based on Program Coach mappings will not replace any coaches assigned manually through the SS&E UI, it will automatically assign coaches to students that currently do not have an assigned coach even if those coaches were initially manually assigned and later manually removed.

For further information about troubleshooting Program Coach Mapping Assignments, click here.

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