Subscription Labels


Subscription Labels help identify the title or description of a person that is following a student. eg. a student "Follower" in SS&E.

  • Only Followers with subscription labels set to Student Visible "Yes" will display for students on the Student View.
  • Followers with subscription labels set to Student Visible "No" will be hidden from students, and will only display on the student record in the Staff View.

Subscription labels work with the Follow by Tag functionality within SS&E to help define a relationship and explain why a certain staff member is "Following" a specific subset of students. 

This helps staff and students know who to reach out to in different areas by better understanding who is already on the student's wider success team.

  • When creating a student-staff relationship using a Follow by Tag Rule, the Subscription Label (relationship name) must first be defined in Relationship Administration > Subscription Labels.
  • In addition, each Subscription Label is marked as Student Visible Yes/No. This determines whether or not the Follower displays for students they are following on the Student View.

How To Create a Subscription Label

To create a new Subscription Label, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Administration > Relationships > Subscription Labels, found here.
  2. Click on the New button.
  3. Enter a Label value.
    • This value will display on the Student profile "Success Team" identifying the type of relationship.
  4. Enter a Source System Id.
    • This value is used when passing in relationships from an external source of data, for example the SIS.
    • If you are creating this Subscription Label manually, then enter a "fake" value since it will not be used, but must exist.
  5. Set Student Visible Yes/No
    • Checking this allows students to view all Followers associated with this label on the Student View.


Create a Follow by Tag Rule

Once a Subscription Label (relationship type name) is defined, you can use it to create a Follow by Tag Rule.

See here for more information about creating Follow By Tag rules. 

Student Visible Y/N

Whether or not followers will display on the student view is controlled by the subscription labels settings.

  • In order for a follower to appear in the student view, "Student Visible" must be enabled.
  • When "Student Visible" is enabled, students will see any staff follower that has at least one "Student Visible" enabled label.

Default Follower Label

Not all followers have explicit subscription labels.

Followers that are nor associated with a custom subscription label, will be associated with the default AVISO.STAFF_FOLLOWER label that is applied with a value of "Staff Follower".

To enable Staff Followers so that they appear in the Student View, in Subscription Label Administration, set Student Visible to Yes on the default AVISO.STAFF_FOLLOWER label. If AVISO.STAFF_FOLLOWER is Student Visible "No", Staff Followers will only display on the student record in the Staff View.

Note: Student Visible Yes/No applies to all students. When set to Yes, all students will see any Staff Follower that is assigned the subscription label.



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