Relationships Administration


From the Administrative screens, users assigned the Administration role are able to navigate to Relationships - Relationships in order to view and manage current and past connections made between Staff (included on a student's Success Team) and Students.

  • To learn more about how relationships, aka subscriptions can be created, click here.
  • To learn more about how relationships, aka subscriptions can be expired/removed, click here.

Student Staff Relationship Types displayed in Relationships Administration, include:


By navigating to the Relationships page in Administration - Relationships - Relationships, by selecting a staff, student, or both, you can see exactly how, when, by who, and why students are/were assigned specific staff/faculty on their success team both in the past and the present. To review how relationships/subscriptions may be created, click here.

  • Select "Include Expired" to view past relationships/subscriptions.
  • Uncheck "Include Expired" to only view relationships that are currently displayed on the student profile Success Team.

Each column provides additional information regarding how the subscription was established.


  • Relationships display on the student profile on the student's Success Team which includes the student's Primary Advisor, Primary Coach and Staff Followers.
  • When looking at the Student Profile, it does not show how the success team members got assigned.
      • Use the relationships screen to see how, when, who and why relationships are/were assigned.
  • Check "Include Expired" to find out why and when relationships were expired and removed from the student profile.
  • Advisors and Success Coaches assigned via the SIS Import can be removed from the UI by passing in a null value IF the institution's Applications Administration setting allowSuccessTeamRemoval is set to True.
      • To check if this is what happened, from Relationships Administration, check "Include Expired" and also verify the application setting in Application Administration by clicking here.
      • If a primary advisor or primary coach was removed by the SIS Import, the relationships page will show "expired by user SS&E System" with the reason "Other System".
      • For new clients, allowSuccessTeamRemoval defaults to "true" so that advisors and success coaches who were assigned via the SIS import can also be removed from the SIS import. 
      • Primary advisors and success coaches who were not assigned via the SIS import will not be removed by blank/null advisor/coach values imported on the Person data feed.

Expire Relationships

One way to expire relationships is by searching for a specific staff member and/or specific student on the Relationships screen.

  • From here, SS&E administrators can expire one to many relationships by clicking on the box to the left of the individual's name and then clicking on the Expire button.
  • Manually assigned relationships that cannot be removed and replaced with an empty/null value importing from the SIS can be removed via Relationships Administration > Expire Relationship.
  • It's important to remember that this cannot be undone!

In addition, if a subscription is being applied through an automated process, this will not prevent the relationship from automatically being applied in the future.

To prevent subscriptions from being re-created, these types of changes will first need to be made within the institutions existing systems to appropriately reflect the updated relationship in the system.



When troubleshooting why staff are missing, mismatched, or incorrect on the Student Success Team, always check the Relationships page, filtering by the staff and/or student to view past and present details. If this does not resolve what happened or if there is any confusion, please open a support ticket including all details and screenshots.


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