Attendance UI Changes - Attendance Status Indicators Stopped/Never Attended


"Stopped Attending" and "Never Attended" are term attendance status indicators managed by instructors on their individual course rosters accessed from each instructor's Courses page.

Stopped/Never Attended indicators allow an institution to manage instructor reporting on students that stop attending or never attended a course section. This is important for financial aid, veteran compliance and audit reporting.

  • Stopped/Never Attended are instructor indicators, essentially flags, that are set on a student attendance record within a specific Course Section.

  • This is independent of the course section imported meeting dates/times data.

  • Stopped/Never Attended indicators are managed by individual instructors and are utilized by the institution when reporting on attendance statuses for internal auditing and compliance reporting.

Attendance Tracking Requirements

  • Attendance tracking can only be entered on student records that have an "Attending" status.
  • When a student is assigned the Stopped/Never Attended Term Attendance Status, their record will be disabled for attendance tracking on the Course Roster page. 
  • The Attending status is the default Term Attendance Status that applies whenever Stopped/Never Attended labels do NOT display on a student record.

Source Data 

Course Enrollment Status

The Course Section Attendance page displays the course enrollment status that is imported for each student in the transcriptCourseStatusId field on the Transcript Course data feed. 

  • The Transcript Course Status ID represents the Course Enrollment, eg. Course Registration Status, importing from the SIS.
  • To view the SIS Import Data Definitions, click here.
  • For more details about what changed in the Transcript Course Data Import Definitions, see here.

The available Course Registration Statuses are mapped to values in your student information system within Accelerate Configuration as part of your SIS Integration.

  • This will most likely differ between institutions as it depends on which course registration statuses are being used by your institution, eg. mapped at the individual institution level.

Which values display on the UI?

The values for enrollment status that may currently display within SS&E and in the Course Enrollment Status dropdown are listed in the SIS Import Definitions article under the Transcript Course data feed. 

  • Only Transcript Course Status ID values will appear on the UI in addition to Purged by Institution.
      • If your institution uses different registration statuses, these are mapped to the available SS&E values in the Accelerate Configuration.
      • Enrollment Status Values that are not listed in the SIS Import Definitions for Transcript Course Status Id are not in use (yet they may still display on the UI). If they appear on the Attendance UI and are selected, there will be no results.
  • Each institution decides which of the available enrollment status values map to their registration statuses based on what is meaningful and how they're used at the institution.
  • Purged by Institution is different in that it's only assigned by the system when a Transcript Course record is removed from the UI via SIS Data Deletion Integration.

Last Attendance Date

The Last Attendance Date can be provided by two different sources, and both are "correct".

  1. The last attendance date calculated from the student's course section attendance records entered by the instructor within SS&E.
    • The calculated last attendance date displays on the Attendance UI and is also available in reporting.
  2. The last attended date imported from the SIS on the Transcript Course data feed if provided by the instructor via the SIS Grading Module.
    • The instructor provided date of last attendance value is distinct from the student's last date of attendance in SS&E Attendance Tracking and is used only for reporting.

Census Date

The census date will appear on each course roster if provided by the institution.

When passed in, the census date imports on the Course Section data feed in the censusDate field, representing "The date that an enrollment in this course section is officially reported".



In order to use Never Attended/Stopped Attending indicators, there are two settings that must be enabled from Attendance Configuration Administration, set here.

  1. Verify that Attendance Tracking is being entered within Student Success & Engagement.
        • When Attendance Tracking is enabled, transcript course attendance data is not imported from the SIS and detailed attendance is entered by course instructors within SS&E. 
  2. Stopped/Never Attended must be enabled.
        • By default, upon release, stopped attending/never attended functionality is disabled in Attendance Configuration.
        • Please reach out to your Client Success Manager in order to enable this new functionality.

*Upon release, this setting will only be visible for Student Success & Engagement staff to view/enable.



The Stopped/Never Attended indicators are managed by course instructors. Each instructor is responsible for assigning, removing, and updating their students' term attendance status indicators as needed. 

For example:

  • If a student has an attendance record that is Present or Tardy, they should not be marked as Never Attended.
  • If a student is marked as Stopped Attending or Never Attended, instructors will not be able to enter a new attendance record until the Stopped/Never Attended Term Attendance Status is removed.
      • If an instructor wishes to mark a student as Present or Tardy after previously marking them as Stopped/Never Attended, they must first assign the student an "Attending" status. 
  • Reverting to the Attending status will re-enable Attendance Tracking, which allows instructors to enter a Present or Tardy attendance record for the student.
  • The Stopped/Never Attended modal displays the calculated Last Attendance Date and the Never/Stopped indicator that has been selected.
  • Students associated with the Attending Term Attendance Status do not have an "Attending" label displayed on their student record on the UI.

UI Changes

The following additions appear on the Courses Tab for each Course Section:

  1. Course Enrollment Status Filter
  2. Term Attendance Status Filter

Course Instructors are able to filter their student list by the course enrollment status and/or the term attendance status from the course roster / course attendance page on each of their course sections.

  • Course Enrollment Status values are imported from the SIS data on the Transcript Course data feed. Each institution determines which of the available options are mapped in Accelerate Configuration.
  • Term Attendance Status values are Attending, Stopped, or Never Attended. These are managed by individual instructors on each course section.




Enrollment/Registration Status Filter - Dropped Student Example

Students that are not registered and are importing from the SIS with a Dropped enrollment status can be quickly identified by filtering on the Dropped enrollment status. 

  • Filtering by the Dropped enrollment status will display all students that are assigned a red "Dropped" status label on their attendance record.


Attendance Status Filter - Registered and Never Attended Example

Filtering on Registered and Never Attended can quickly identify students that are importing from the SIS with a Registered enrollment status in the current course section/term yet have never attended.

  • Filtering by Registered enrollment status and Never Attended attendance status will display all students assigned both a green "Registered" label and a red "Never Attended" label on their attendance record.
  • Filtering by Registered enrollment status and Stopped Attending attendance status will display all students assigned both a green "Registered" label and a red "Stopped Attending" label on their attendance record.


Managing Never Attended/Stopped Attending Statuses

Faculty Users are able to manage their students course attendance status by selecting “Manage Stopped/Never Attended” from the course roster navigation bar.



The Manage Stopped/Never Attended modal displays the following details for each student:

      1. Student Name
      2. Last Attendance Date
      3. Current Course Section/Term Attendance Status


  • The default display is sorted by last attendance date order, however you can select the Name header to sort by name instead. The reason for this is to first show people that have the earliest last attendance dates, since they are who will most likely need to be marked as stopped/never attended.
  • Students that were previously marked as Stopped Attending or Never Attended are clearly visible.
  • Each column can be sorted upon for easy access to select data.
  • Using the checkboxes in the far left column and "Mark As" allows instructors to select one or many students and change their course attendance status at the same time.
    • A student's attendance status can be changed at any time.
    • There are built-in restrictions as to what attendance status can be assigned to certain students. For example:
      • If a student has previous attendance that is Present or Tardy they cannot be marked as Never Attended.


To change a student(s) attendance status:

  1. Select the student(s) by selecting the checkbox by the student name.
  2. Select "Mark As" from the top left.
  3. Verify the selected student(s) displayed on the pop-up screen.
  4. Select the attendance status you wish to assign to the select students.
  5. Select Save to complete the new attendance status assignment or Cancel to cancel the assignment and exit the pop-up screen.



  • Financial Aid and Veterans Report are new reporting/field sources.
  • North Carolina CC System Attendance Report is a new built-in Attendance report.
  • Both types of Last Attended Dates are available in SS&E Reporting.

      • A student can be associated with both types of last attendance dates. One is a calculated value from attendance interactions entered by the instructor within SS&E, the other is imported on lastAttendedDate from the SIS after inputted into the SIS Grading module (most likely by the course section Instructor).

Release Schedule

Following are the release dates as they appear in the SS&E 7.0 Product Release Notes, found here.

9/30 - 7.11.0 - Attendance UI changes Never Attended and Stopped Attending indicators, Transcript Course data import definition changes.
10/14 - 7.14.0 - Financial Aid and Attendance Report Source, related Data Feed changes, Holidays Administration
10/25 - 7.14.2 - Built-in Attendance report for North Carolina Community College System Attendance

Transcript Course - SIS Import Data Definition Changes

With the above Attendance UI changes, the Transcript Course data feed import definitions, seen here, were changed as follows.

  • Since the institution course enrollment status was removed, an institution specific status field similar to statusRaw will be added to the Data Import Definitions in the upcoming weeks.




The institutional transcript course status will import the the transcript course status that the record is associated with. Must match Currently only used on Reporting.

2023-09-05 12_41_44-SIS Import Definitions (for Views and CSV Files) – Watermark.png






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