The built-in attendance report "North Carolina System Attendance Report" is designed for usage by North Carolina Community Colleges.
- Online Assignments counted as attendance will not display on the report.
- The financial aid indicator data feed was added to the SIS Import definitions to represent a student attendance status in a specific course on the report.
This report does not display results on the Report page, rather it runs in the background and is added to Report Results Administration when the results are ready to download to Excel.
- When the report is ready, an email is sent to the logged-in user's primary email address with a link to the Report Results Download.
- Report Results access is permitted via People & Roles Administration.
What's new?
Built-In Attendance Report
- From Reports Administration, add permitted roles for users that need to run/view the North Carolina CC System Attendance report.
To run the report, enter the desired criteria and then select "Run Report" from the Report page.
- While generating the North Carolina CC System Attendance report, a message will appear that the report is running in the background, and that an email with a link to the report will be sent when it is complete.
When the report is ready, an email will include a link to access the report from Report Results Administration.
- Clicking on Download will export the report to Excel.
To set permissions on the North Carolina Community College System Attendance Report:
Reporting Administration
- From Reports Administration, add Permitted Roles for user roles that can view/use the North Carolina System Attendance report.
People & Roles Administration
- From Roles Administration, add permissions for each role that requires access to the Report Results menu.