A short video demonstration can be found here.
Excused absences allow instructors and the automated attendance alerts to be aware of when a student is absent, with an acceptable absence reason.
For example, if a student is a part of a sports team that travels often, absences from a course while the team is travelling are excused absences.
How to create an Excu...
The Attendance Detail Report is available within this Reports feature of the Aviso platform. The report provides an overarching view of student attendance on campus. The report can also be further segmented by Attendance Status, Term(s), Staff, Faculty, Campus Location, Courses, Current Term, Programs and Tags.
The report will only display attendance type results for a...
The Attendance Summary Report is a built-in report available within the Reporting feature of Student Success & Engagement.
The Attendance Summary Report is designed to assist with finding which courses are "missing attendance" due to instructors/systems not tracking/entering attendance records with any attendance status.
If there is any attendance status reco...
Video Resources
For a general video on attendance, click here.
For a video about excused absences, click here.
The Attendance module allows instructors to take attendance for course meetings as well as create early alerts directly from the course section roster screen.
The Attendance module can be accessed by clicking the "Attendance" button on the top navi...
If you are using Student Success & Engagement to track course section attendance and you cannot see any course section meetings on your course, this might mean that no meetings have occurred. The system will only show meetings that have occurred in the past, or are occurring on the current day. The meetings will appear on the day(s) they are scheduled to occur.
If you e...
Course Section Meeting Cancellation
If a course section meeting was cancelled or otherwise did not meet, due to bad weather or a holiday, for example, you can click the "Cancel Meeting" button. This will cancel the currently selected course section meeting.
Clicking on the "Cancel Meeting" button will display "Are you sure you want to cancel this meeting? All attendance...
Attendance reporting in Student Success & Engagement will only include results for attendance statuses that are used by an institution to track attendance.
How attendance is tracked is displayed in Attendance Configuration, found here.
Enable Attendance Tracking determines whether attendance tracking is enabled. eg. recorded within SS&E, or if attendance tr...
"Stopped Attending" and "Never Attended" are term attendance status indicators managed by instructors on their individual course rosters accessed from each instructor's Courses page.
Stopped/Never Attended indicators allow an institution to manage instructor reporting on students that stop attending or never attended a course section. This is important for fina...
The built-in attendance report "North Carolina System Attendance Report" is designed for usage by North Carolina Community Colleges.
Online Assignments counted as attendance will not display on the report.
The financial aid indicator data feed was added to the SIS Import definitions to represent a student attendance status in a specific course on the report.
When Attendance Tracking is enabled within SS&E, Administrators can enter holiday dates through the Holidays Administration menu.
If attendance tracking is enabled within SS&E, when a course section meeting falls on a holiday, attendance will be disabled for that day and the course meeting will not be included in "courses missing attendance".