Dashboard & Courses

  • LiveText Faculty FAQs

    Login/Account How do I reset my LiveText password?   How do I register a LiveText faculty account? In order to register a faculty account on www.livetext.com you will need to contact the LiveText administrator at your institution and ask them to provide you with a faculty keycode. Once you have a keycode, go to www.livetext.com and click the Register button.     Courses...

  • Create/Edit a Course Assignment

    Create a Course Assignment Once courses have been uploaded, an assignment may be created for a course section. Creation of assignments within the Administrative Account will automatically be distributed and populated in faculty and student accounts. Faculty may create additional assignments related to the course as well as copy, edit or add to administrator-generated as...

  • Adding an Assessment Document to an Assignment

    Click the assignment link that corresponds with the assignment. Within the Assignment Details tab, click on the Edit button on the top left corner of the page Scroll down to the Assessment Area. Click on the Attach button. Select a Label (e.g. My Work, Inbox, or a custom label) where the document is listed. Select the checkbox located to the left of each assessment doc...

  • Inserting an Assignment Template

    Click the assignment link that corresponds with the assignment. Within the Assignment Details tab, click on the Edit button on the top left corner of the page. Click the Show More link under the Resources and Settings section. Scroll down to the Templates Area Click on the Attach button. Select a Label (e. g. My Work, Inbox, or a custom label) where the document is lis...

  • Copying an Existing Assignment to Another Course

    From within the Courses tab, click the title of the course that contains the assignment to be copied. Click the Assignments tab. Click the title of the assignment to be copied. Click the Copy button located in the top right of the Assignment Details tab. Select a Term from the dropdown menu. Select the checkbox(es) to the left of each course(s) to which the assignment ...

  • View Rubric(s) Associated with an Assignment

    To view the rubric(s) associated with a particular assignment from your faculty account, follow these steps:  1. Click the “Dashboard” tab. 2. Click the colored status bar corresponding to the assignment you’re concerned with. 3. Click the “Assignment Details” tab. 4. Under “Assessment Method”, click the "View" link across from the assessment document you want to view.

  • Assessing a Student's Assignment

    Follow these steps: From the Dashboard click the Assignment Progress Bar that corresponds with the assignment to be assessed. The Submissions & Grades tab will open. This tab corresponds with the Assignment Progress Bar and displays the names of students identified as: Awaiting Submission, Awaiting Assessment, or assessments that have been Completed. Select the checkbo...

  • Assessing Assignment Submissions Guide

    Faculty Guide to Course Assignments   Complete an Assessment To assess a course assignment:1. Log into a faculty LiveText account.2. Locate the appropriate assignment on the faculty Dashboard. Note: If you are having difficulty locating the appropriate assignment, you may wish to filter your posted assignments by term and/ or course. These dropdown boxes are located tow...

  • How to submit file attachments as part of an assessment

    To submit one or more file attachments to a student as a part of their assessment, follow these steps:   1. Click the "Dashboard" tab. 2. Click the status bar for the assignment on the Dashboard. 3. Click the name of a student in the yellow "Awaiting Assessment" column. 4. Click the "Attach" button. 5. Click the "Upload" button. 6. Click the "Browse" or "Choose File" bu...

  • How to complete a group assessment on students in the "Awaiting Assessment" column

    To complete a group assessment on students in the "Awaiting Assessment" column, follow these steps:1. Click the “Dashboard” tab.2. Click the colored status bar corresponding to the assignment for which you want to complete an assessment.3. Under the yellow “Awaiting Assessment” column, check the checkboxes in front of each student name for each student that you want to ...

  • Force Student Submission for Faculty

    It’s possible to move student names by force from the red "Awaiting Submission" column to the yellow "Awaiting Assessment" column.  Here's the quickest way to do this with a large number of students:1. Click the “Dashboard” tab.2. Click the colored status bar corresponding to the assignment.3. In the red "Awaiting Submission" column, check the checkboxes appearing in fr...

  • Publishing Assessments to Students

    Completing and submitting an assessment does not mean the assessment has been published to students. When creating a course assignment, the Publish Assessments checkbox is selected by default under the Assessment setting on the Assignment Details page.   This setting allows a student to receive the assessment results instantly after an assessor completes and submits th...

  • Undo an assessment

    To undo an assessment, follow these steps:1. Click the “Dashboard” tab.2. Click the status bar for the assignment on the Dashboard.3. Click the student’s name in the green column.4. Click the “undo assessment” button.

  • Requesting an Assignment Resubmission

    Follow these steps: The Request Resubmission button will change the status of the assignment on the student's Dashboard from View Latest Submission (yellow) to Resubmit Assignment (red). It will also change the status on the Assignment Progress Bar and Submission & Grades area in the faculty's view from Awaiting Assessment (yellow) to Awaiting Submission (red). From th...

  • Viewing a Completed Assessment

    From the Dashboard click the Assignment Progress Bar that corresponds with the assignment assessment to be viewed. The Submissions & Grades tab will open. This tab corresponds with the Assignment Progress Bar and displays the names of students identified as: Awaiting Submission, Awaiting Assessment, or assessments that have been Completed. Click on the student's name. ...

  • Add/Modify Course Resources

    Add/Modify Course Resources Courses are populated in faculty and student accounts through a data import process by a school or university LiveText administrator. The Admin Account is responsible for this action. Please contact your LiveText administrator for details. Once course sections have been uploaded, instructors and administrators can insert a syllabus, as wel...

  • Standards & Outcomes for Courses

    Standards & Outcomes for Courses The Standards & Outcomes tab located within the course information displays a list of state, national, professional, or program outcomes and standards aligned at the course section, assignment, and/or rubric level. The first and third columns located within the Standards & Outcomes Overview indicate the acronym or code, and Descriptio...