To submit one or more file attachments to a student as a part of their assessment, follow these steps:
1. Click the "Dashboard" tab.
2. Click the status bar for the assignment on the Dashboard.
3. Click the name of a student in the yellow "Awaiting Assessment" column.
4. Click the "Attach" button.
5. Click the "Upload" button.
6. Click the "Browse" or "Choose File" button
7. In the pop up window that appears, choose a file to upload
8. The file should begin to upload automatically. You should see an animated bar that indicates that the file is transferring. Wait until you see the word "Completed" in green across from the filename. When you see this, you will know that the file upload is complete.
9. Repeat steps 6-8 for each file that you want to attach.
10. Complete the remainder of your assessment if needed.
11. When ready to submit the assessment, click the "Submit Assessment" button.