This article is used in conjunction with the Curriculum Form Template. It describes the column headers on the template, impacts on the form, and how they should be used. In order to help you get started, commonly seen fields have been added to the template for reference. Feel free to delete, add, or modify any information in the template.
The form template will be provided to you by your Project Manager at the beginning of the implementation process.
Field Name
The field name column represents the question or label that will appear on the form. Fields we commonly see have been added to the form template to get you started and can be renamed, deleted, or moved.
How it would appear on the form template:
How it would appear on the form:
Field Types
This page describes the different field types that are can be implemented with Curriculum Management.
Drop-downs show a list of options where only one value may be selected. Any options for the field must be provided in the "Options" column of the form template (Example: Fall, Spring, Summer, etc.).
Checkboxes are a list of options where more than one value may be selected. A common example of this is the selection of a general education designation. Any options for the field must be provided in the "Options" column of the form template.
Radio buttons
Radio buttons show a list of options where only one value may be selected. This field functions similarly to the drop-down field, but displays all of the options on the form. The most common use of this field type is for "Yes/No" questions.
Note: If there are a lot options available to select from, we recommend using the drop-down field to reduce the amount of space used on the form.
Text box
A Text box field provides a small 'box' to enter a single line of text.
Note: If more than a line or simple answer is needed, consider using a "Rich text field."
Rich text
The Rich text field is a large text area that supports additional text formatting.
The Outcome field allows for multiple individual outcomes to be added to a course or program. These can be imported into the system using a CSV file. Please refer to the Course Learning Outcomes Import Guide for more information.
File Upload
File Upload fields allows for the uploading of one or more files to a proposal.
Note: Files will be accessible from the proposal as it moves through workflow and after it is approved, but does not convert to the catalog item or final syllabus.
General Header
General Header is used to create sections by displaying as a large section header on the form. Text will display in all caps and is used to group fields on the form.
Date Picker
The Date Picker allows a user to select from a yearly calendar of dates.
Course Dependencies
This field auto-populates for change and delete course proposals to inform the submitter of the relationship between the course selected for change or deletion and other course(s). Course dependencies may result from pre-requisite, co-requisite, or cross-listed course(s) relationships. This acts as notification, just as the catalog warning pop-up does in the catalog system.
Program Dependencies
This field auto-populates on change and delete course forms to inform the submitter of the relationship between the course selected for change or deletion. If the course you are proposing to change or delete is found in a course table in a program, the field will auto-populate programs the course is associated with. This acts as notification, just as the catalog warning pop-up does in the catalog system.
Nested Field Name/Trigger
This column is for questions that appear only if a specific option from a drop-down, radio button, or checkbox list is selected on the form.
Please note: Drop-down and radio button field types can only trigger nested fields based on a single response option (such as "Yes" only or "Other" only). Checkbox lists can allow for nested fields to display as a result of more than one response option.
Nested Field Name: Field/Question(s) that display because of an answer from the previous question.
Answer to trigger nested field(s): Value from Options that triggers nested questions.
Example in Form Template:
In the form template, the Field Name, "Is this a General Education Course" is a radio button with the options for yes/no. Only if ‘Yes’ is selected will the Nested Field Name, "Select all areas that apply" display.
Example on the Form:
The "Required" column in the form template is used to identify which fields are required. Check the box to indicate that a field is required.
What to consider:
- A submitter can save a proposal without filling out all of the required field(s).
- Required fields must be filled out before submitting to workflow.
- You cannot make fields required at certain steps.
How this would appear on the final form:
Read Only
On change or delete forms, you may want certain fields to auto populate, but not be editable. The "Read Only" column in the form template is used to identify which fields should be pulled in as "read only." Check the box in this column to indicate that a field is read only.
What to consider:
- Field is locked down for editing by any user
- Used in a Change or Delete Course and Program for where data auto populates and should not be changed.
How does this appear:
Character Limit
For rich text and textbox field types, a character limit can be applied. This column will allow you to place either a maximum or minimum number of characters. When using the character limit column, consider the following points:
- Can only be applied to Textbox and Rich text fields.
- When a character limit is reached, the field will prevent further characters from being typed.
- Student Information System (SIS): If your SIS has a character limit, the corresponding field on the form should likely have one too. For example, a short or abbreviated course title.
- Internal Processes: Internal best practices might dictate certain character limits. For example, a course number should only be 3 or 4 numbers.
Help Text
For clarification, many forms will add notes or "help text" in addition to a field. There are two ways this can be handled in the Curriculum Strategy system. Help text is placed into two categories “Primary Help” and “Additional Help.” Below is an explanation of each and how to differentiate them.
Help Text can:
- contain links to the catalog or an outside source
- contain images
- be updated after forms have been implemented.
Please note, help text can be edited and added later by an institution's administrator(s). Adding help text to your forms will be covered during training.
Primary Help
“Primary Help” text will appear on the form in line with the field.
Note: If text is lengthy, consider using “Additional Help.”
Additional Help
“Additional Help” will appear as a question mark next to the field that, when clicked, will open a pop-up. “Additional Help” text will appear in this pop-up. This is recommended when there is a longer explanation or images might be needed.
Workflow Trigger
Some fields may relate to your workflow. For example, if a course is designated as a general education course, the form may need to go through a special committee for approval. Branches in the workflow must have an associated field on the form to trigger the addition or omission of a step. Only drop-down or radio-button field types can be used as workflow triggers, due to the selection of only one answer. If applicable, either note "yes" in this column or list the answer and step that are triggered by this question.
Associated System Field
The "Associated System Field" on the form template is used to identify the field on the catalog item that is associated with the field on the form. On a Change Course and Delete Course form the field will auto populate with data.
In order for data to auto populate on a change or delete course form, it must be a course item field in the catalog. Additional fields are often added to a course item in order to store additional data and have it pulled into a form for revision. This connection is not always apparent on the form because questions are worded differently then data is stored. Please review a course in the system and compare the fields to indicate which fields on the form relate to the fields in the catalog.
What to consider:
- What course data was pulled from your Student Information System?
- The columns in the course file provided to us should appear in the forms. Add the column headers in the course file to the associated system name column in the form template identify the associated field in the form.
- Should a new course form field auto populate on a change or delete form?
- If yes, the associated system name column needs to be filled out. In order to store the data in the back end for new fields, please provide an associated system name that is consistent between forms. This label will be used to identify and store the data. Highlight any cells that will be new and did not come in from your course file.
- If no, then keep the associated system course field blank.
- If the field didn't come in with the course file, a new field in the back end will need to be created to store the data. Provide a name in the associated system field column and highlight the cell.
How it would appear on the form template:
How the fields would appear on the form:
How the fields would appear on the course item:
Post implementation, admins will have access to edit specific fields on the form outlined in the following article: Editing CM Forms
All other revision requests for the form should be submitted to