Catalog Maintenance Checklist and Timeline


Catalog Maintenance is an ongoing process that can be broken down into three key areas as indicated in the diagram above. A to-do list has been provided for each area to ensure success in managing your catalog content. We recommend that you use this checklist and apply a timeline to each task to ensure that you are ready and prepared to publish your catalog when needed. Note: if you have shared content your publishing process is different.

Brand New Implementation

  • Finalize content edits: Confirm the catalog accurately contains all information for the catalog year you imported
  • Empty Workbox: Approve or remove any items in the workflow
  • Publish all changes: Individually or at the catalog level (remember, you cannot over publish)


Using your existing prior year published catalog as the foundation for your new catalog year

  • Ready to Rollover? You can rollover your catalog to create your next (future) catalog as soon as you have a published catalog that you do not plan to change
  • Uncheck Show in Catalog List:  To prevent the rolled over catalog from appearing in the drop down list of catalogs until you are ready
  • Review Users and Permissions: You can view in the system and/or request a list from support if needed
  • Clean-up Access Roles: Remove any that are not being used (Access to a section of your catalog that no one is assigned to edit)

Content Edits:

Updating your content in your rolled over catalog to represent the content you wish to publish for the new year

  • Notify users: Tell your editors, reviewers and approvers that the new catalog is available and any edits should be made in this version so that they are editing the future catalog version
  • Check links: Confirm links are directing to the correct location and are not broken
  • Use copy as plain-text: If making changes that involve adding content which was “copied” from another document, use copy as plain text and then apply the body text in the rich text editor
  • Update Images: (cover page, etc) 
  • Submit new Course Import File: If Catalog ONLY:  Request that your IT department provides a new course import file from your SIS. Send it to to update courses.The new file will only change or add courses. If you are deleting courses, you will need to do that in the catalog itself
  • Make Header/Footer changes: Changes to Header/Footer are self service from All Catalogs Page. For other edits to web Template, contact Support- fee may apply
  • Deadline for changes: Provide editors, reviewers and approvers with a clear deadline for changes that allows you the time needed to move those final edits through the workflow 
  • Clean-up Narrative Course Folder: Be sure actual active courses do not exist there

Publishing & Accessibility:

Making your catalog available and accessible to students, faculty and staff


  • Clear your workbox: Confirm that the workbox has been cleared of all items. If you attempt to roll over your catalog and items were not cleared, the system will prompt you to tackle action so that those items proposed for change are completed and included in your next version
  • Publish the Media Library: recommended you publish all new items/folders in the media library
  • Publishing your catalog or handbook- Identifying at what level to publish
    • Calendar year:  When you rollover your catalog to a new year and the system prompts you to identify the calendar year, it creates a new calendar year with your catalog under it. Was it ever published?
      • Yes - you do not need to publish at this level
      • No - publish the Calendar Year
        • With Sub Items- if all the catalogs and handbooks beneath that year are ready for publishing then checkmark and publish together
        • Without Sub Items- if you are not ready to publish all of the items within the calendar year, publish without subitems and proceed to the Catalog/Handbook Item Level
    • Catalog/Handbook Level: If you published your calendar year without sub items you need to publish your catalog or handbook at the level of the catalog or handbook
    • All Catalogs Page: Only publish without subitems! This should be published any time you make edits to the links to your current and archived catalogs listed on the page


Making sure your users can link to the new catalog 

  • Update links: Confirm your users are directed to your catalog with the correct URL
  • Show in Catalog List: Check this box so (catalog level) that the user can access the catalog from the drop-down menu.
    • Change the catalog Display and Title to reflect the year so that they can be distinguished in the drop-down list if you display more than the current catalog
  • Update your All Catalogs Page: If you use it to display your current and archived catalogs- publish without subitems

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