This administrator role allows you to create an administrator who can create, manage and deploy projects within their academic area or level(s) of access, as well as create Surveys.
This role will provide an administrator control over projects in their academic unit or level(s) of access only, while other administrators with this role will have control over projects in their academic unit or level(s) of access only. This gives Project Admins their own area to deploy and manage their own Course Evaluation and General Survey projects, keeping management separate from each other, while securing access to survey results from other departments or academic unit(s).
The CES Administrator can access Course Evaluation projects managed by Project Admins, providing oversight to Course Evaluation projects and access to their results.
- Course Evaluation Projects created by Project Administrators are accessible by CES Administrators. The CES Admin can log in as the Project Admin to view that Project Admin's Survey or Projects.
- By default, Surveys or Course Evaluation Projects created by other Project Administrators at the same level of access or created by CES Administrators are not accessible by a Project Administrator if they are not the creator of the Project. But Projects can be shared between Project Admins using the "Sharing Projects with other Project Administrators" option at the bottom of this article.
- Projects created by Project Administrators are separate from any Custom Question Surveys the user may have created when using the Custom Questions feature.
Administrator Setup
- Click on Account tab.
- Click Manage Administrators under Site Settings.
- Click +Add New Administrator to manually create a new administrator account.
- Or click on Import Administrators to upload an administrator file to create an administrator user(s), and then click Edit by the new Administrator's account.
- Select Project Admin under Select Role(s). This role inherits all other roles.
- Select the user's level(s) of access.
- Click Save.
Operational Steps
- When a Project Administrator logs into Course Evaluations & Surveys , they will have access to the Surveys, Projects, and Results areas of Course Evaluations & Surveys .
- In the Projects base page, these users can select +Create New Project and create either Course Evaluation or General Survey Projects that are only available to them and under their level(s) of access, according to the assigned area(s) for their user account under Manage Administrators. Project Administrators with the same level of access will not be able to access each other's Projects.
- CES Administrators will have access to Course Evaluation Projects created by the Project Administrator.
- CES Administrators will not have access to General Survey Projects created by a Project Administrator.
- In the Results base page, Project Administrators can access results for their own projects and results from projects setup by the CES Administrator that align to their level(s) of access.
- In the Surveys base page, Project Administrators can either +Create New Survey or edit existing surveys that they've built previously.
- CES Administrators will have access to surveys created by a Project Administrator, as well as select and attach them to other Projects.
Sharing Projects with other Project Administrators
For Project Administrators to share their projects with other Project Administrators, permissions must first be granted. The CES Admin can enable sharing by navigating to Account > Permissions and enabling the Shared Project Administration feature.
Once this is enabled, a Project Administrator who creates a project will have the option to share administration with other Project Admins in one or many of the hierarchy levels they can access.
They can do so by using the following steps:
- Go to Project > Properties tab.
- There is a new option added “Project Management Access”
- Click on “Share Access to this Project.”
- Choose the hierarchy level of the admin with whom the project needs to be shared.
- Click Save.
- The Project Admin role can be assigned to different Administrator accounts where you may need separate management of Course Evaluation or General Survey Projects that only align with the Project Admin's department or level(s) of access.
- For clarity, we recommend Project Administrators name their projects to reflect the hierarchy level or department, i.e. "End of course evaluation (College of Business) – Spring 2024)"
- Importing courses: When searching for and importing courses from the LMS integration, Project Administrators will be able to search for ALL courses that have been synced with the LMS. However, due to limitations based on the Project Admin's selected level(s) of access in the hierarchy, the user will only be able to import courses that align with their level(s) of access according to Hierarchy Mapper logic. It is recommended that CES Administrators discuss which courses Project Admins have access to when searching for and importing courses.
- Hierarchy: Project Administrators will have access to “Hierarchy Re-map” on the Project Courses tab, but will not have access to Account Hierarchy Builder and Hierarchy Mapper. Management of the Hierarchy is done by an CES Administrator.
- Projects: If multiple Project Admins are assigned the same level of access, they will not be able to access each others’ projects unless the Project Admins grant access using the directions in the Sharing Projects with other Project Administrators section above.
- Item Banks: Item Banks created by an CES Administrator cannot be shared with Project Administrators, nor can Item Banks created by a Project Administrator be shared with other Project Administrators.
- If a Project Administrator was previously an CES Administrator and "demoted" to the Project Admin role, then they will not have access to surveys and projects they previously created as the CES Administrator.