The following article provides information on how to search for courses and users in Course Evaluations & Surveys.
Searching for Courses / Users within a Project
The Courses tab of a project displays all the courses that have been uploaded and/or imported into the project. You can search for courses on the Courses tab in the following ways listed below:
- Course Information: You can search for courses within a project by Course Code, Course Title, Course Unique ID or Hierarchy Level.
- Instructor/Teaching Assistant Information: You can search for courses based off the Instructor/Teaching Assistant Name, Instructor/Teaching Assistant Email or Instructor/Teaching Assistant Username of the instructor(s)/teaching assistant(s) enrolled in the course.
- Enrollments: You can search for courses based off the number of Student or Instructor Enrollments.
- Custom Questions: You can search for courses that have custom questions added by instructors, administrators, or both. Alternatively, you can also search for courses where custom questions have not been added by selecting None, No Administrator, No Instructor within the drop-down menu of this field.
- Crosslisted: You can search for courses that have or have not been cross-listed, using the Course Evaluations & Surveys Cross-listed Course Functionality. The selections you can make to search by include All courses (will display all courses regardless of being cross-listed), Non-Crosslisted courses, Crosslisted Parent courses, Crosslisted Children courses, and both Parent and Children Crosslisted courses.
The Users tab of a project displays all the users that have been uploaded and/or imported into the project. You can search for users on the Users tab in the following ways listed below:
- User Information: You can search for users within a project by their Username, Email, First and Last name.
- Course Unique ID: The unique ID for the course the user is enrolled in can be used to search for a user.
- User type: You can search for users by their type - Student, Instructor or Teaching Assistant.
- User Status: You can search for users by their user status - Enabled, Disabled or Locked.
- Show Users: This field can be used to search for instructors who have or have not added custom questions to their courses, or instructors with disabled reporting.
Searching for Courses / Users Across All Projects
There are two ways to search for courses or users across all projects, as listed below:
Search Widget: When the Search widget is added to your dashboard, it can be used to search for courses or users using keywords found in the user's name or course title.
To begin using the Search widget, type in the keyword of the course or user you're searching for, then use the radio button to select whether you're searching for Courses or Users, and finally click on the Search button. You will then receive results that best match the criteria you set in the widget to search by.
Users and Courses Search tool within Account: Within the Search section that can be accessed by going to Account from the navigation bar in Course Evaluations & Surveys, you'll find the Search tool. Here, you can choose to search for Users or Courses. For instructions on how to search for Users or Courses, refer to the corresponding item listed below:
User Search: When you select Users from the Search tool, you can search for users by project, First and/or Last Name, Email, Username, Role (such as Student, Instructor, Administrator, Teaching Assistant, No Role), or User Status (such as Enabled, Disabled or Locked).
Note: When searching by User Status, you must also choose a Role.
Course Search: When you select Courses from the Search tool, you can search for courses by Project, Code, Title or Unique ID.
User Search: When you select Users from the Search tool, you can search for users by project, First and/or Last Name, Email, Username, Role (such as Student, Instructor, Administrator, Teaching Assistant, No Role), or User Status (such as Enabled, Disabled or Locked).