Troubleshooting: Error When Submitting a Folio in a Program

If you receive this error message when attempting to submit your folio on Taskstream:

Your web folio or web page project could not be attached because it contains another web folio or web page (this combination is not supported by our system).

It means that you have attached a web page or folio to another web folio, and Taskstream program submissions do not support this combination.

Steps to Resolution

Rather than attaching your first web folio to the other web folio as Taskstream work, you will need to publish this first folio to the web, and then include the URL as a web link in your second folio. This folio can then be attached to your DRF for submission. 

To publish your first folio to the web:

  1. Access the folio you'd like to publish from Folios & Web Pages
  2. Click the Publish/Share tab
  3. Click the Publish button under the Publish to the Web heading. You will be taken to a page where you can personalize the editable portion of the web address for your web folio. You can also limit access to the URL of your published work by choosing to require a password to view your work.
  4. Once you have chosen your settings, click Publish. You are then provided with the link to your web folio, and the option to e-mail the link to others. You can continue to edit your web folio, and all edits will be automatically reflected in your published work. 

To add this web link into your second folio (the one you will submit into your DRF):

  1. From the Folios & Web Page area, access the folio you would like to submit for evaluation (the main folio)
  2. Click the appropriate area in the left frame, where you'd like to attach the link to the second folio
  3. Click the Links button in the Add Tool bar on the bottom of your screen
  4. Type the name of the link in the Add New Web Link box, then copy and paste (Ctrl/ Cmd + V) the web address (URL) in the Select Link box. You can make sure the link works by clicking the Test button.
  5. Click the Add Link button

See this article for directions on Attaching and Submitting an Artifact Created in Taskstream


Video Walkthrough of the steps listed above [3:43} 


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