Troubleshooting: Reducing Character Count in Taskstream Text Boxes


In Taskstream, you can enter text into Text/Image sections of DRF programs, Folios, and form responses.

When you copy and paste text directly from another source such as Microsoft Word, hidden formatting characters are also copied over and this increases the character count in the text  field.  This becomes an issue when you have exceeded the character count in a text field and the system does not allow you to save your work.

In the example below, there are only 127 characters (including spaces), but because the text was copied from Word, the hidden formatting has increased that count to 226 characters. 


Detailed view:

To decrease the character count, you must copy and paste your text from Microsoft Word into Notepad, or another basic text editor.

Note: Notepad is a text-editing program that comes standard on Windows that strips the formatting from text. Mac computers have TextEdit.

Once your text is in Notepad, you can copy and paste the text from Notepad into the text field in Taskstream using the keyboard shortcut (Ctrl + V or Command + V on a Mac).

You can see below that the character count decreases after copying from Notepad. 


You can then click Save and continue working or Submit Work, if you are ready to submit for evaluation.


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