Courses Libraries

Note(s): Before you can send out an assignment/course binder you have to have the following: Assessment tool, student worksheet (optional), and template. 


The Libraries side menu item under the Courses side menu has two components that are important and need to be accessed if: 

  1. You would like create a template, but have not configured the assessment tool yourself (Assessment Tools). If the support team or another user has configured the tool, you have to make this assessment tool available to you prior to creating a template. To make an assessment tool available to you, you have to do the following:
    1. Click on Courses in the side menu.
    2. Click on Libraries located in the side menu below.
    3. Click on Assessment Tools located in the side menu below.
    4. You have the option to search for a specific assessment tool.

      Search Assessment Tool

    5. Below the search option, you may browse for the assessment tool.
    6. When you have found the assessment tool that you would like to use in your template, check the box next to the Assessment Tool and click on Favorite (Star) icon. Note: The assessment tool has to be marked as active and public in Form Builder to show up in the library.

      Make Assessment Tool Available

  2. If you would like to send out a template, but have not configured the template yourself (Templates). If another user has configured the template, you have to make this template available to you prior to sending the template.
    1. Click on Courses in the side menu.
    2. Click on Libraries located in the side menu below.
    3. Click on Templates located in the side menu below.
    4. You have the option to search for a template.
    5. Below the search option, you may browse for the template.
    6. When you have found the template that you would like to send, check the box next to the Template Name and click on Favorite (Star) icon. Note: The assessment tool has to be marked as active and public in Form Builder to show up in the library.


      Search Template

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