Monitoring Course Evaluation Status
- Click on Course Evaluations in the side menu.
- Click on Reports located in the side menu below.
- Select one of the reports available for Campus Administrators.
- Course Evaluation reports may also be accessed from the Reports side menu.
- If you do not see the course evaluation reports listed below, you may need to contact your Tk20 Unit Administrator to make these reports available to you.
Course Evaluations 001: Course Evaluation Status
- Select the Term(s) you wish to include in your report.
- Select the Course Evaluation Title.
- Select the Course(s) you wish to include in your report.
- Click Generate.
Course Evaluations 001: Course Evaluation Status
Course Evaluations 006: Response Rate over Time
- Select the Term(s) you wish to include in your report.
- Select the Course Evaluation Title.
- Click Generate.
Course Evaluations 006: Response Rate over Time
Viewing Aggregate Results for Faculty
Course Evaluations 005: Aggregate Report on Course Evaluation Results for Administrators
- If applicable, select an Organization from the drop down menu that contains the course evaluation you wish to include in your report.
- Select the Term(s) that contains the course evaluation you wish to include in your report.
- Select the Course Evaluation Title.
- Select an Instructor.
- Select a Course(s) that has completed the course evaluation for your selected instructor.
- Click Generate.
Aggregate Report for Administrators
- Comparison means may also be available; however, you may need to first make these values visible. Check out Managing Course Evaluation Reports 003 & 005 for more information.
- In the example shown, we have chosen to display criteria separately for Likert Scale and Rubric question types.
Course Evaluations 003: Aggregate Report on Course Evaluation Results for Faculty
- Select the Term(s) that contains the course evaluation you wish to include in your report.
- Select the Course Evaluation Title.
- Select Course(s) that have completed the course evaluation.
- Click Generate.
Aggregate Report for Faculty
- This report will only display results for the user generating the report. For example, I will only be able to see course evaluation results for courses I have taught and that have been sent a course evaluation.
- Comparison means may also be available; however, you may need to first make these values visible. Check out Managing Course Evaluation Reports 003 & 005 for more information.
- In the example shown, we have chosen to display criteria together for Likert Scale and Rubric question types.
Do you need to provide this information to your faculty? Check out our article on Monitoring Course Evaluations (Faculty)
Interested in learning more about the additional features of our Course Evaluation Reports? Check out Managing Course Evaluation Reports 003 & 005 .