Course Evaluations & Surveys
Creating a Kiosk Survey
Tk20 has introduced Kiosk Surveys in order to facilitate collecting survey data at customer institutions. Unlike standard surveys, the Kiosk Survey allows users to complete surveys without a corresponding Tk20 user account. Prior to creating a Kiosk Survey, a survey form must be created in Form Builder.
Step 1: Enter Basic Information
Click on Surveys in the side menu,...
Creating and Sending Standard Surveys
Get Started
Prior to sending out surveys, you must determine how the recipients will access the surveys.
Recipients who will login directly to Tk20 will need information regarding usernames and passwords.
If surveys will be accessed through a link in email, current email addresses must be collected and stored within Tk20.
If sending a survey to a user group (rather th...
Monitoring Course Evaluations (Campus Admin)
Monitoring Course Evaluation Status
Click on Course Evaluations in the side menu.
Click on Reports located in the side menu below.
Select one of the reports available for Campus Administrators.
Course Evaluation reports may also be accessed from the Reports side menu.
If you do not see the course evaluation reports listed below, you may need to contact your ...
Quickly Select Courses for Course Evaluations
Using the Courses 001 Report to Copy Many Section IDs
If you have more than 50 courses, selecting courses for course evaluations can be time-consuming. We have good news: there is a quick way to select your courses and get going!
All you have to do is follow these steps:
Run the report Courses 001: Comprehensive Report on Course Information.
Click on the gray Export b...
Sending and Editing Course Evaluations
Sending Course Evaluations
After you log in to Tk20, navigate to the Course Evaluations page:
Click on Course Evaluations in the side menu.
Click on Create New Course Evaluation.
The Course Evaluations Page
Step 1: Enter Basic Information
Title the launch of the course evaluation.
Add a description for this course evaluation instance (optional).
Click on Next.
Sending a Standard Survey
In this video you will learn how to create a Standard Survey
Creating a Kiosk Survey
In this video we will go through the steps of creating a Kiosk Survey
Sending a Course Evaluation
In this video we will be sending a Course Evaluation
Completing a Kiosk Survey
In this video you will learn how to complete a Kiosk Survey
Kiosk Reporting
In this video article we will take a look at a Kiosk Survey Report