Creating a Kiosk Survey

Tk20 has introduced Kiosk Surveys in order to facilitate collecting survey data at customer institutions. Unlike standard surveys, the Kiosk Survey allows users to complete surveys without a corresponding Tk20 user account. Prior to creating a Kiosk Survey, a survey form must be created in Form Builder.

Step 1: Enter Basic Information

  1. Click on Surveys in the side menu, then click on the Create New Survey button. Select Kiosk as the survey delivery method and click on Next. You will now see a 4-step Wizard.
  2. Enter a title for your survey.
  3. If you would like other users to be able to view the survey in the survey tab, choose Public for Survey Visibility.
  4. If desired, click the Select button to associate the survey with one or more organizations.
  5. Click Next.


Entering Basic Information

Step 2: Survey Form

  1. Select the radio button next to the survey form you would like to use.
    1. Click on Close to go back to the form list.
    2. To preview the form click on the name of the form.
  2. Click on Next.

NOTE: File-type questions do NOT work with a Kiosk survey. The form will allow you to add it as a question, but participants will not be able to see the question


Choose a Survey Form

Step 3: Survey Display

Choose how you would like the survey to appear to the end users:

  1. Layout: Choose whether you would like the survey form to display on one page, or if you would like the survey to display one question per screen with next and previous buttons.
  2. Choose a Color Scheme for your survey. You can preview the color scheme by clicking on the magnifying glass next to the selected color scheme.
  3. Auto Refresh: Choose whether or not you want the page to refresh (reset) after a period of inactivity, and how long that period will be. For example, a student walks away from the survey prior to completing it.
  4. Customize the Submit button text.
  5. Customize the Completion Confirmation Message that recipients will see upon clicking Submit.
  6. Select a Landing page for your survey. The landing page will be the starting and ending point for your survey.
  7. Click Next.


Set Display Options

Step 4: Review and Finish

  1. Survey URL: the URL that will be used to access the survey will be generated on this page. You can copy this URL for distribution.
  2. Click the Preview button to preview your survey. You can fill it out as if you were taking the survey, but the results will not be saved.
  3. Make your survey Active, by selecting yes. Surveys must be made active in order to be completed by users.
  4. Create a passkey for your survey and confirm you passkey. All kiosk surveys require a passkey. When setting up the survey in a kiosk environment, you will be required to enter a passkey one time. Users can complete the survey without reentering the passkey. If you are emailing the link to the survey to other users, you will need to include the passkey in that message in order for users to access the survey.
  5. Click Finish. By clicking finish you will save your survey information and it will prompt you to the My Surveys page. If your survey has been made active, you can distribute the link for survey completion.
  6. Select Save. By clicking Save you will save your survey information and remain on the same page.


Review and Finish

Monitoring and Reporting

  1. To review the survey and monitor completion, click on Surveys in the side menu.
  2. Click on the Survey title.
  3. Click on the Survey Results sub-tab to view the built in NG Report. You can export the aggregate results of the survey to Excel or PDF by clicking the Export button in the top-right corner.
You can also refer to the video link: Creating a Kiosk Survey

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