Academic Assessment Workspace

Standing Requirements

1. When you first open your workspace on your homepage, you will see the structure of the workspace on the left- hand side.




On the upper right-hand corner, you will see a green Check Outbutton. Please note that all requirements in Taskstream’s AMS system use a Check In / Check Out system. To edit or add data to any requirement you will first need to “Check Out” the requirement. Once you have entered your information, you may click the Check In button so that others can come in to modify the requirement. If you forget to click the Check In button, the requirement will automatically be checked in when you log out of your account.

2. When you click the Check Outbutton, the Editbutton will appear on the far right. Click “Edit” to add your mission statement data.


Note: If content has already been added to the area, you will be able to add to and/or modify it.


Once you have entered the appropriate mission statement, you may click the Submitbutton.

Return to Workspace by clicking Return to Work Area.


Learning Objective/Outcome

1. When you are ready to move on to the Learning Objective/Outcomes (Program Learning Outcomes) requirement, you may select that requirement from the workspace structure.




You may then title the outcome set and choose whether you want to allow other sets to be aligned to this (your) outcome set (it is recommended to leave this checkbox blank). Then you may click Continue.


2. Once you return to the main Goals and Outcomes area, you can start to create Outcomes. To create an Outcome, click the Create New Outcomebutton.



Enter a concise title for your Outcome (max 60 characters) and enter the outcome statement in the Description field. Click Continue.

3. After clicking the Back to all outcome sets link, you may map or align your outcomes to college level or university level goals, accrediting body standards and criteria, and general education outcomes. To do this, click the Map link next to the outcome you wish to map.


You can then click the Create New Mappingbutton.


To map or align your outcomes with a goal set, you’ll want to select Goal sets distributed to... or Outcome Sets in other organizational areas if you are mapping to department-level outcomes.


Select the appropriate set and click Continue.(Note: This is just an example)


Choose which Outcome set items align with your objective and then click the Continuebutton. You will now see the Outcome set items mapped or aligned with your objective. NOTE: This is just an example of what the area would look like.


You may repeat this process for additional mappings. Once mapped, your outcome(s) will look similar to the first one in the screenshot below.



Curriculum Map

4. In the Curriculum Map requirement, you’re able to map courses to outcome sets. After Checking Out the area, click Create New Curriculum Map


Enter a title for the map and select an outcome set to use.


The map will open in a separate pop-up window. The outcomes will be along the top. To add a course/activity, click the Actions button and choose that option.




Using the legend along the bottom, you can then choose if a course Introduced, Practiced, or Reinforced work pertaining to that outcome.


Complete/Cyclical Cycle Requirements

5. Now you may proceed to the cyclical assessment section represented by the category 2017-2018 Assessment Cycle to enter your assessment data.


Assessment Plan


To create an assessment plan that defines the measures used to assess your student learning outcomes, check out the Assessment Plan area and click the Create New Assessment Planbutton.


NOTE: If you have an existing Assessment Plan in your workspace, you may wish to choose Copy Existing Plan as Starting Point instead.

Then, under the Measures Bar, click the Select Setbutton.


Click the Select Existing Setbutton to select your outcome set from the Outcomes/Learning Objectives library.


Select the outcome set you wish to assess and click the Continuebutton.


Select the outcomes you wish to assess and then click the Accept and Return to Planbutton.


6. To add a Measure to an outcome, click the appropriate Add New Measurebutton.


You may then add the details of your measure into the measure data entry screen.


Once youve filled out the template, click Apply Changes at the bottom. You can add as many measures as you want to each outcome.



To do so, check out the requirement, locate the appropriate Measure, and then click the Add Findingsbutton.


You may then enter the details of your assessment findings into the data entry screen.


Once you have entered your data, click the Submitbutton. Repeat these steps for each measure once you have completed conducting those assessments.


Then you may click the Create New Operational Planbutton.
NOTE: If you have an existing Plan in your workspace, you may wish to choose Copy Existing Plan as

Starting Point instead.
Next, click the
Select Setbutton under the Actions bar.


Click the Select Existing Setbutton.


Select the Outcome set you wish to assess that cycle and click the Continuebutton.


Select the Outcomes you wish to add actions to and then click the Accept and Return to Planbutton.


You may now add an Action to each applicable Outcome by clicking the Add New Actionbutton.


Here, all of the Findings with respect to that outcome will appear here. Check Findings for Measure of the outcome you selected by checking the checkbox and clicking Continue.This indicates that the action item is the result of those Findings.


You may now populate the Action detail fields with your data. You can check the box for Show Full Results Details to reference the results. Click Apply Changes once youve populated the Action Item.


You may repeat this process for each additional action you need to add. You can add as many action items as you want to an outcome.



Check out the requirement and then click the Add Statusbutton. NOTE: this is an example of what it could look like.


You may then complete the Status Report for that particular action and click Submit.


Repeat these steps for each subsequent action item.

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