At-a-Glance Reports
To run these reports, you must have the appropriate AMS Coordinator permissions. The link will appear on the left side.
Click the expand icon on the video's lower right side for larger and fullscreen viewing. Click "CC" to access closed captions.
Report #1: Status Report
Purpose: this report provides a snapshot of the extent to which participating areas (eg., programs, administrative offices etc.) have checked out a workspace’s requirements.
The report is run on one workspace at a time.
The In Progress (Not Shared) symbol means that the area has been checked out by that participating area has been checked out, but the setting that allows you to drill into the content is not turned on. This symbol is rare.
The Shared (Not Reviewed) symbol means the area has been checked out and you are able to drill in to see what content has been added to the requirement.
The Reviewed symbol means the requirement was reviewed using the review process in the system
Report #2: Outcomes Export
Purpose: this report allows you to see the outcomes inputted into a workspace by each participating area
When you select the workspace where you wish to export the exports, a spreadsheet automatically downloads containing every instance of every outcome for each participating area.
Report #3: Goal Set Alignment Summary Report
Purpose: this report allows you to see which participating areas mapped to a goal/outcome set from the Organizational Goals Editor (for example: ILOs)
You can drill down to see which specific outcomes in a participating area were aligned with that goal/outcome set’s standards
Then, you can drill down further to see the corresponding measures and findings for that participating area’s mapped outcome(s)
Report #4: Outcome Set Alignment Summary
Purpose: Inter-area alignment – this report allows you to see which participating areas (for example: courses) mapped to a another participating area’s shared outcome set (for example: programs) entered within a workspace
You can drill down to see which specific outcomes in a participating area were aligned to the other’s areas outcomes
Then, you can drill down further to see the corresponding measures and findings (similar to the Goal Set Alignment Summary)
Report #5: Participating Area Alignment Summary
Purpose: This report allows you to see how the outcome set of a particular participating area aligns another outcome or goal set.
Report #6-7: Assessment Cycle Summary & Detail
Purpose: This report provides quantitative data on the outcomes/measures entered in a workspace, whether the benchmarks were met in the assessment plans, and if findings (results) were documented
You can view aggregated info for the entire institution (all participating areas) or disaggregated info for specific areas only
You may choose to include linked actions in this report, too, for a comprehensive view of your process
You can filter both the summary and detail reports (see below)
Detail Report: You can drill down to see the corresponding qualitative data (outcomes’ alignments) and the descriptions of the measures and findings
Include Data on Linked Action Items from your Continuous Improvement Plan
If all your action items are linked to a set of findings, you can get all the information in your assessment cycle without having to run the Operational Plan Summary Report separately.
Report #8-9: Operational Plan Cycle Summary & Detail
Purpose: this report provides quantitative date on the actions entered in a workspace, as well as quantitative data on the statuses and corresponding budget information
You can view aggregated info for the entire institution (all participating areas) or disaggregated info for specific areas only
You can filter both the summary and detail reports (see below)
Detail Report: You can drill down to see the corresponding qualitative data (outcomes’ alignments), descriptions of the actions, and any inputted next steps/additional information
Analytics Tab
Purpose: this HTML view provides raw numbers for your participating areas, based on the core assessment plan
Pie charts also help you visualize if (as an institution) you are meeting your target benchmarks
The line graph is a visualization of longitudinal information about checkouts
• This can help you determine your peak usage times • You can filter by participating area
The System Administrator needs to ensure AMS Managers have the permission to view this tab in their own accounts
Note: Once you export some of these reports, you can perform further data manipulation in Excel