At-a-Glance Status Report

At-A-Glance Status Report

What is the At-a-Glance Status Report?

The At-a-Glance Status Report allows you to monitor participating areas’ progress toward completing the requirements in a workspace. You can see which participating areas have checked out a workspace’s requirements and drill down to view the specific data/content added to any requirement.

Please note:

  • You can view only one workspace (and its enrolled participating areas) at a time

  • Your initial filtering can be done by participating areas and/or requirements

    Running the At-a-Glance Status Report

    If you see a variation of this section (highlighted below) on the left side of your AMS account’s home page...


...You have At-a-Glance Reporting access!

*If you do NOT see “At-a-Glance Oversight” on the left side of your homepage, contact your AMS Coordinator to request this level of access.


Click the expand icon on the video's lower right side for larger and fullscreen viewing. Click "CC" to access closed captions.



Steps to Run Status Reports in At-a-Glance Oversight:

1. From the Reports menu on the account homepage, click on the link beneath At-a-Glance Oversight (screen shot above)

a. Your link will depend on the organizational level for which you have reporting oversight (e.g., if your account has reporting permissions across the entire institution, the link will be name of the institution. If you have permissions over a specific college, department or program within the institution, the link will be specific to those areas)

2. You should now see three (3) categories (screen shot below): Summary Reports, Goals and Outcome Alignment Reports, and Assessment Cycle and Operational Plan Reports

a. From the Summary Reports area, use the Select a Workspace dropdown menu to select your preferred workspace and click the Go button


3. Select the area of the workspace on which you would like to report from the Select Area dropdown menu


4. Next, you can choose All Participating Areas in your Administrative Domain or if you prefer, click A Subset of Participating Areas in your Administrative Domain


a. If you select the latter, you will be able to check the boxes for the individual participating areas within your administrative domain on which you would like to report


5. Then, click the CONTINUE button at the bottom of the screen


6. The report will open on the resulting screen

a. The workspace requirements you chose to include will appear across the horizontal axis at the top of the report

b. The list of participating areas you chose to include will appear down the vertical axis on the left-hand side of the report


c. If a participating area has checked out a requirement, you will see a View link in the intersecting box in the report grid

i. Clicking this link will allow you to view the content that the organizational area has input for that workspace requirement. If clicking on the link produces a blank screen, no data has been inputted (but the requirement was checked out at least once)


d. The legend symbols include:

i. No Access: means the participating area does not have access to the requirement

ii. Not Started: means the user(s) in the participating area has access to enter data for the requirement, but has never checked the requirement out

iii. Shared (Not Reviewed): means the requirement has been checked out at least once (and data may have been entered see Step 6c)

iv. Reviewed: means the designated reviewer(s) returned a final score to the participating area, if review methods were enabled

v. In Progress (Not Shared): if this permission is enabled in Workspace Management, users will need to check a box to share their data (usually, the AMS Coordinators will choose to have the work shared by default). This symbol means they have not yet checked the box


e. The report can be printed by clicking the Print button, exported to Excel by click the Excel button, exported to a PDF by clicking the PDF button, or exported to Word by clicking on the Word button

i. These buttons are all located toward the top on the right side of the screen


7. In the example below, we clicked on the View link for the Mission Statement (column) requirement for the B.S. in Accounting (row)

  1. We can view:

    1. the content for the requirement (if any data was entered)

    2. the log history

    3. export to a PDF document or print buttons

  2. It is possible to jump to a different requirement area by accessing the choices from the Show drop-down menu

  3. It is also possible to jump to a different participating area for the same requirement by accessing the choices from the Area drop-down menu



Frequently Asked Questions

What is a workspace?

A workspace is a centralized, transparent repository for content about outcomes assessment and continuous improvement or related processes such as program review, strategic planning, or accreditation self-study. A workspace is structured in a way that guides users to enter different types of content into specific requirements.


What is a participating area?

A participating area is any group within your institution that is responsible for entering content into a workspace. For example, if the Accounting (B.S.) group is enrolled in a workspace, it is a participating area in that workspace. Every individual whose AMS account is affiliated with a participating area may be given access to all workspaces (or a subset of workspaces) in which the participating area is enrolled.


What is an administrative domain?

An administrative domain is the group of areas for an institution for which a Coordinator can assign workspaces, distribute announcements, and view reports.


How do I request additional Coordinator permissions?

Additional Coordinator permissions, such as being able to run At-a-Glance Reports, should be requested from your institution’s AMS Coordinator

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