The Progress Overview widget is composed of several charts that display important information related to the assessment plans and/or operational plans in the selected workspace and cycle. The charts only include data for work done by participating areas within an AMS Coordinator’s administrative domain. If the Coordinator has multiple administrative domains, the data is aggregated.
Assessment Plan and Findings Requirements
The following charts will display separately for each set of assessment plan and assessment findings in the cycle selected.
Total Participating Areas Chart
This chart shows the number and percentage of participating areas that have included the following work:
With access – participating areas with access to the assessment plan component
With outcomes - participating areas that have included at least one active outcome
With measures - participating areas that have identified at least one measure for included outcomes
With findings – participating areas that have indicated findings for at least one included measure. This information will not display if access is restricted for all participating areas.
With linked actions – participating areas that have linked at least one action to their findings. This information will not display if the workspace does not contain operational plans, if access is restricted to all operational plans or if there are no actions linked to findings in the assessment plan.
With linked status reports – participating areas that have at least one status report created for included actions. This information will not display if the workspace does not contain operational plans, if access is restricted to all status reports or if there are no actions linked to findings in the assessment plan.
Dynamic colors in the different areas of the chart indicate the level of work progress achieved in that particular area. A darker color is indicative of more work progress achieved.
Click anywhere on this chart to access a detail report that drills down into the work progress made by each participating area.
Assessment Plan Progress Detail:
The Assessment Plan Progress Detail report displays the total number of each type of item created (e.g. outcomes, measures, and findings) for participating areas that have access to the assessment plan for the selected assessment cycle (i.e., visibility has not been restricted).
Total Outcomes Chart
This chart shows the total number of outcomes included and the number and percentage of those outcomes that have included the following work:
With measures – outcomes that have at least one identified
With findings – outcomes with indicated findings for at least one included measure. This information will not display if access is restricted for all participating areas.
With linked actions – outcomes with at least one action linked to the findings. This information will not display if the workspace does not contain operational plans, if access is restricted to all operational plans or if there are no actions linked to findings in the assessment plan.
With linked status reports – outcomes with at least one status report created for included actions. This information will not display if the workspace does not contain operational plans, if access is restricted to all status reports or if there are no actions linked to findings in the assessment plan.
Dynamic colors in the different areas of the chart indicate the level of work progress achieved in that particular area. A darker color is indicative of more work progress achieved.
Acceptable Target Achievement Chart
This pie chart shows the proportion of findings with an acceptable target achievement of Not Met, Met, Exceeded or Unspecified.
This chart will not be displayed if there are no findings created in the assessment plan or if the Acceptable Target Achievement field is hidden on the assessment plan template.
To drill down into the detail report for each target achievement level, click the corresponding slice of the pie chart. For example, to see which participating areas have at least one finding where the target achievement level was "Not Met," click the slice labeled "Not Met."
Acceptable Target Achievement Detail:
An Acceptable Target Achievement Detail report is available for each of the acceptable target achievement levels: Not Met, Met, Exceeded and Unspecified. The report displays all the participating areas that have at least one target set to the specified level in the selected assessment plan.
For all target levels, the report displays:
Total Findings: Total number of findings added by the participating area
- Count: Number of targets set to the selected level by this participating area
% of Total Findings: Number of targets marked as a particular level by this participating area over the total findings added by this participating area
For the Not Met level, in addition to the information above, the report displays:
Count of Not Met with Linked Actions: Number of targets designated Not Met for which the participating area has added at least one action.
% of Not Met with Linked Actions: Number of targets designated Not Met with at least one linked action over the total count of targets designated Not Met by this participating area
Ideal Target Achievement Chart
This pie chart shows the proportion of findings with an ideal target achievement of Moving Away, Approaching, Exceeded or Unspecified.
This chart will not be displayed if there are no findings created in the assessment plan or if the Ideal Target Achievement field is hidden on the assessment plan template.
To drill down into the detail report for each ideal target achievement level, click the corresponding slice of the pie chart. For example, to see which participating areas have at least one finding where the target achievement level was "Moving Away," click the slice labeled "Moving Away."
Ideal Target Achievement Detail:
An Ideal Target Achievement Detail report is available for each of the ideal target achievement levels: Moving Away, Approaching, Exceeded and Unspecified. The report displays all the participating areas that have at least one target set to the specified level in the selected assessment plan.
For all target levels, the report displays:
Total Findings: Total number of findings added by the participating area
- Count: Number of targets set to the selected level by this participating area
% of Total Findings: Number of targets marked as a particular level by this participating area over the total findings added by this participating area
For the Moving Away level, in addition to the information above, the report displays:
Count of Moving Away with Linked Actions: Number of targets designated Moving Away for which the participating area has added at least one action.
% of Moving Away with Linked Actions: Number of targets designated Moving Away with at least one linked action over the total count of targets designated Moving Away by this participating area
Total Budget Requested Chart
This chart show the total budget requested for the actions linked to findings in the assessment plan.
This chart will not be displayed if there are linked actions.
Benefits to Coordinator:
The Total Budget Requested Chart is useful for providing an estimate of the budget amount needed for all budget requests submitted. The chart can be used to more intimately align the processes of planning and resource allocation.
Operational Plan and Status Report Requirements
The following charts will display separately for each operational plan and status report in the cycle selected.
Total Participating Areas Chart
This chart shows the number and percentage of participating areas that have included the following work:
With access – participating areas with access to the operational plan component
With outcomes – participating areas that have included at least one active outcome
With actions – participating areas that have included at least one action for the identified outcomes
With status reports – participating areas that have created at least one status report for identified actions. This information will not display if access to the status reports is restricted for all participating areas.
Dynamic colors in the different areas of the chart indicate the level of work progress achieved in that particular area. A darker color is indicative of more work progress achieved.
Click anywhere on this chart to access a detail report that drills down into the work progress made by each participating area.
Operational Plan Progress Detail:
The Operational Plan Progress Detail report displays the total number of each type of item created (e.g. outcomes, actions, and statuses) for participating areas that have access to the operational plan for the selected assessment cycle (i.e., visibility has not been restricted).
Total Outcomes Chart
This chart shows the total number of outcomes included and the number and percentage of outcomes that have included the following work:
With actions – outcomes that have at least one action created
With status reports – outcomes that have at least one status report created. This information will not display if access to the status report is restricted for all participating areas.
Dynamic colors in the different areas of the chart indicate the level of work progress achieved in that particular area. A darker color is indicative of more work progress achieved.