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The HLC Scholarship and Research Summary report was designed to help support Faculty Qualification requirements, specifically the requirements that faculty who teach in graduate or doctoral programs have an appropriate record of research, scholarship or achievement. However, the scholarship and research activities of your faculty can be used to provide evidence and support other Criteria and Core Components as well. Whether helping to illustrate how faculty activity appropriately aligns with your institution’s stated mission (1.B), demonstrating contributions to scholarship and discovery of knowledge (3.B) or contributing to an “enriched educational environment” (3.E), information you already have in Faculty Success can provide a wealth of valuable data for your self-study and evidence file.
To develop this report, we collaborated with representatives from:
- New Mexico State University
- Pittsburgh State University
- University of Central Arkansas
- University of Colorado-Colorado Springs
Report Details
The HLC Scholarship and Research Summary report provides counts of the number of scholarly activities completed by faculty in the given time frame. This information is also summarized by department and college. The report will count activities that are entered on the following screens:
- Publications
- Presentations
- Contracts & Grants
- Performances & Exhibits
- Intellectual Property
Because this report was primarily designed to meet the qualification guideline for graduate or doctoral faculty, there is a parameter allowing you to run the report for graduate faculty only. You also have the option when running this report to display the citations for the various activities, providing more information about the scholarship being represented in the report.
Request this Report
If you would like to implement the HLC Scholarship and Research Summary report, simply submit a “Report Setup” work request asking for this base report.