SACS Professional Development Summary Report

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The SACS Professional Development Summary report was designed to support the narrative with evidence that the institution “provides ongoing professional development opportunities for faculty members as teachers, scholars, and practitioners, consistent with the institutional mission” (6.5).

Report Details

The SACS Professional Development Summary report provides counts of the number of professional development activities attended by faculty in the given time frame. This information is also summarized by department and college. The report will count activities that are entered on the Faculty Development Activities Attended screen and it will summarize those activities based on the values you have in your Activity Type drop down list.

This report provides you with the number of activities attended and the number of faculty taking part in these activities by department and college. We also include the total number of faculty associated with the department and college to make it easy for you to say “X% of a department participated in professional development activities in a given timeframe.”

Request this Report

If you would like to implement the SACS Professional Development Summary report, simply submit a “Report Setup” work request asking for this base report.

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