Permissions - Share Monitoring Tools with Other Users

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Multiple users on campus, including department chairs, deans, and more, play a role in monitoring and ensuring the success of Workflow processes. The Permissions utility for Workflow enables you, as the Workflow Administrator, to grant appropriate process transparency to those users by extending access to the Submissions table, where they can review and/or download submissions for the faculty members within their purview.

From the Workflow Permissions home screen, you can choose from one of the two ways to view and assign out access to the Submissions table:

    1. By Group: From this view you can review and assign users access to the Submissions table for your groups in Faculty Success, like your colleges and departments. The group options listed match the Scopes from your Role Groups. This view enables you to quickly grant access to Submissions to all of the department chairs, deans, and others who may need to view Submissions for all faculty in a given group.
    2. By Individual: As individuals are granted Access to Submissions, there will be times when you need to review and modify access for a specific person. For example, you might need to adjust permissions after turnover in department chairs. From this view, you are able to remove or add to a specific individual’s access.

When you grant a user access to the Submissions Table by Group or Individual, you will have the option of granting them one of two possible levels of permission to the Submission Table, which will be discussed further below in this article. Continue reading for more information on assigning access to the Submission Table by Group or Individual.

Permission Level to the Submissions Table 

The monitoring tools for the Submission table are determined by the level of permission a user is granted to access the table's. A user can be assigned one of two levels of permission:

  1. Submissions Summary View Only: The user will be able to view a snapshot of the workflow processes within their purview, allowing them to view the status and step status of a candidate's submission. However, the user will be unable to view or download the contents of the candidate's submission.
  2. Submissions Summary, Detail, and Actions: The user will be able to download and view the contents of a candidate's submission via the "Actions" column as well as see a snapshot of the workflow processes within their purview to review the status and step status of a candidate's submission.

Granting Users Access to the Submissions Table by Group

  1. From the navigation bar, select the “Workflow” utility and then “Permissions.”Screenshot
  2. Select the "Groups" tab and then click on the type of scope for which you want to add users to, such as the "Department" scope. The available scopes depend on the security scopes you have available in your Faculty Success database.Screenshot
  3. When you select the scope, you will be directed to the available group options that you could assign users to. The group options are the discrete values for a given group, like the specific departments at your institution. To begin assigning users to a group, click on the title of the group. You can then assign a user access to the group by selecting the "Add Individual" button which will open a drawer on the left-hand side.
  4. From the drawer, you can type in the individuals name and assign them a permission level. After making your selections, click the "Add Individual" button to grant the user access to the Submissions table for the assigned group. 



If you can't find the group option you're looking for, click the Add Group button, and a drawer will appear on the left-hand side.



From the drawer you will be able to enter a new group option by clicking on the "Group Name" drop down field and grant a user access to the Submission table by selecting them from the "Select Individual" drop down field as well as assign the user a permission level. When you've finished making your selections, click the "Add Group and Individual" button to add your new group option.

Note: All changes made to Access to Submissions from within the Permissions utility are auto-saved. As permissions are configured or removed, the users affected will see these permissions take effect in real time.

Granting Users Access to the Submissions Table by Individual 

  1. From the navigation bar, select the “Workflow” utility and then “Permissions.”Screenshot
  2. Select the "Individuals" tab to see the list of every user to whom you have granted access to Submissions table and from here is where we can add more users individually.  Screenshot
  3. To add a new user, select the "Add Individual" button. This will open a drawer on the left-hand side. 
  4. From the drawer you will be able to enter the scope, group name, type in the user's name in the "Select Individual" field and assign a permission level to the user. Keep in mind that Scope refers to the available scopes depend on the security scopes you have available in your Faculty Success database and group options are the discrete values for a given group, like the specific departments at your institution. After making your selections, click the "Add Individual" button to grant the user access to the Submissions table. 



Note: When the Joint Appointment type "Each appointment receives a separate step" is enabled, users can continue to monitor all submissions related to their appointment, including those that involve multiple appointments where their assigned appointment is participating in.


Modifying Permission Level to the Submissions Table 

The permission level for a user can be changed at any time by group or by individual, and the process is similar for both. Simply navigate to the user from the Permissions utility for Workflow. Once you've found the user whose Permission Level you want to change, click the facing down arrow in the "Actions" column and then "Edit."

After selecting Edit, a small window will appear where you can change the user's permission level. After you've made your changes, click the "Save" button to save them.


Revoking a Users Access to the Submissions Table 

We understand that appointment and/or rank changes may necessitate the removal of a user's access to the Submission Table. When you need to revoke a user's access to the Submission Table, you can do so by group or by individual, and the process is the same for both. Simply navigate to the user from the Workflow Permissions utility. Once you've found the user whose access you want to revoke, click the facing down arrow in the "Actions" column and then "Remove."


The Workflow module is available to add to Faculty Success for an additional fee. To learn more about adding it for your institution, please contact your Client Success Manager.

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