Placement Statuses
Placement statuses have been introduced and will control visibility of the placement:
- Not Started:
- When a student is enrolled in an internship enabled course section, the placement will be displayed with a “Not Started” status until placement information is assigned.
- Draft:
- Once placement details have been added, the status will switch to “Draft”. This will save the placement information but the placement will not be visible to the student or any assigned mentor. These details can be edited at any time.
- Scheduled:
Allows placement coordinators to schedule the release of placements to students and assigned mentors at a future date and time.
To schedule a placement:
Open the placement details by clicking the student name in the dashboard table
Select “Schedule” on the left hand side
In the flyout, add the time and date that you want the placement to be published and then click “Schedule”. The placement will become visible to the student and assigned mentor at the scheduled time and any notifications that are turned on will also be sent then.
The placement will now show in the dashboard table with a “Scheduled” status and the scheduling details will be displayed.
To edit a schedule, open the placement details by clicking on the student’s name. The publishing Schedule will be visible on the left hand side with a menu button. Select the menu button to edit or delete an existing schedule.
- Published:
- When a placement coordinator publishes a placement, either via “Publish Now” or “Schedule”, then the placements will be visible to students and mentors, with activities sent out.
To publish a placement:
Open placement details by clicking on a student’s name. Placements with a status of Draft or Scheduled can be published.
On the left hand side of the placement details page, select “Publish Now”.
A confirmation message will appear - select “Publish Now” to finalize the publishing of a placement. This will make the placement details visible to the student and mentor and cannot be undone.
Published placements will appear in the table with a “Published” status
Additional Sort and Filter Options:
Additional filtering options have been added to the placement dashboard table
- Search bar: searches for placements by student name, email, or placement ID. Placement ID can now be found within the placement details by clicking on a student’s name.
- Term: filters placements by associated term
- Statuses: filters by placement status (Not Started, Draft, Scheduled, or Published)
- Organizations: filters by program or department as determined by the structure in Academics and Offices
- Courses: Filters placements by course. If an Organization is selected this dropdown will only display courses related to that organization.
- Section: Fitlers placement by section. If an Organization or Course is selected this dropdown will only display sections related to the selected Organization or Course.
- Save Filtered View: the dropdown selections can be saved and will auto-populate the next time you return to this page.