Placement Management - Overview

Overview of Placement Management:

Watermark Placement Management is a solution that helps field placement coordinators define and manage the process of student placement in a college or university. It includes managing an institution's partner sites and contacts, providing a dashboard to our users to manage their student placements (assigning a site, mentors, and supervisors), and providing helpful insights into the placement data. For a list of features, please see the section below:


Access of PM as per Role:

Field placement coordinators need to be root or node admins to access the placement module. Currently, anyone with root or node admin will be able to see all sections that have the Placement module enabled. 


Placements (Dashboard) :

When field placement coordinators land on the Placement Management module, they will see a dashboard with a filter drop-down of Terms which can filter the list of students based on the terms, and a search component to search for a student using name or email. All the students in this list are associated with a Placement Management enabled section. 

By clicking on the “View” text link available for each student, field placement coordinators can create or edit a student’s placement. 


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Viewing student's placement:

When the field placement coordinator clicks on the “View” text link, a new page will appear including the details for the student’s placement information. On this page, the following information will be displayed:

  • Student Name (in the page header)
  • Student Email (in the page header)
  • Student ID (in the page header)
  • Placement Creation Date (in the page header)
  • Course Details Card:
    • Term- the associated term is listed
    • Course- the associated course name is listed
    • Section- The associated section name is listed
  • Placement Assignment Card:
    • Site- site which is associated with placement listed
    • Mentors- Mentors who are associated with the placement 
    • Supervisors- Supervisors who are associated with the placement 
  • Add Placement Details Card- additional placement information is listed in this card including
    • Placement Details
    • Content Areas
    • Grade Levels
    • Start & End Date (placement)
    • Note

Using the same page, the field placement coordinator will be able to optionally assign a site, one or more mentors, one or more supervisors, and add additional information to the student placement that is associated with the course section.

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