Creating Assessment Project Activities

Creating an Activity

If the instructions in this article do not match what you see in your product, you might be using Watermark's Outcomes Assessment Projects. Please check the articles in this section for the correct guidance.


Assessment Project Activities are used to organize your learning outcomes, rubrics, and student artifacts. Multiple learning outcomes, rubrics, and course sections can be added to each activity within a single assessment project. To meet your assessment needs, you have the flexibility to organize your project activities by learning outcomes, course sections, etc. For example, depending on your assessment practices, you may choose to organize your activities by program, selecting only course sections that are associated with your program.

  • Select Create New Activity and configure your activity settings
  • Activity Details
    • Enter an Activity Title
    • Activity Instructions are displayed to evaluators while they are scoring student artifacts
  • Learning Outcomes
    • Select Add Learning Outcome
      • Select a learning outcome to be assessed in the activity
      • Select one or more rubrics to be used for assessment of the selected learning outcome
        • “Outcome Aligned” indicates if the selected learning outcome is aligned to the rubric listed
  • Select Add
      • You have the option to add multiple learning outcomes to be assessed for the activity
  • Evaluation Details
    • Score Discrepancy Check - only available when evaluation count is set to 2
    • Score Discrepancy Check allows you to indicate if you want the system to detect when two evaluators submit rubrics that have discrepant total rubric scores
    • You can select the difference in total score you’d like the system to use. For example, if you enable this feature and set the Point Difference to 10, and one evaluator’s total rubric score was 30 and the second evaluator’s total rubric score was 40 or higher, the system will flag the artifact and send it to be scored by a third evaluator. The additional evaluation is assigned randomly based on your project and activity settings. 
  • Course Sections
    • Selecting course sections will create a student roster, to which you will add artifacts for each student.
    • Select “Add Course Sections” 
    • From the Course Sections area, you can select any course to which you have access (Admins will only have the option to add courses from their hierarchy nodes - department/program where they are added as a “Lead”)
    • Select “SAVE”
  • Select “CREATE”. Newly created activities are displayed in the Activity list on the Project Overview page.

Editing an Activity

  1. To edit an activity, select “Edit Activity”
    a. Only available when a project is in draft. After a project has been opened, you only have the option to add or delete artifacts
    b. Edit Activity is not an option once a project has been opened
  2. Select SAVE - NOTE: If you remove any previously added course sections, any students and their artifacts will be removed from the activity as well.

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