The Results tab within each Assessment Project provides a real-time summary of the collected assessment data. Data visualizations of your project results and a range of export options (PDF and CSV) are provided to support your specific reporting needs.
Results are organized by learning outcome and displays the performance level distribution of each rubric. Overall Proficiency captures the Met/Not Met percentages for each rubric and criterion (element).
You can choose to view data in a Chart View with data visualizations, or in a Table View. Admins also have the option to filter the results and only display the rubric(s) associated with a specific learning outcome:
To view the results for each element/criteria, select View Rubric Criteria.
Note: Overall Proficiency does not display values for Met/Not Met if the corresponding criterion (element) has not been aligned to an outcome and/or the Met/Not Met thresholds have not been set for each performance level. To learn more about setting Met/Not Met thresholds for rubric criterion, review the Managing Rubrics Help Center Article.
Assessment Project Results - Exports
To access additional exports for your results, select Export Results
- Performance Distribution - Chart View provides a PDF of the Results tab data visualizations
- Performance Distribution - Table View provides a .CSV file of the Results tab Table View. the columns included in this export include:
- Learning Outcome
- Rubric Title
- Element (Criteria)
- Total Evaluations (N)
- Element Mean
- Standard Deviation
- Columns for the Rubric Percentage Met, Percentage Met (N), Percentage Not Met, Percentage Not Met (N)
- Columns for the Percentage and N of each Performance Level
- Elements (criteria) are listed on each row of the export
- Results by Evaluator Table provides a .CSV file of the rubric criteria scores organized by evaluator. The columns included in this export include:
- Artifact ID
- Student Name (Last Name, First Name)
- Evaluator (Last Name, First Name)
- Learning Outcome
- Rubric Title
- Criteria/Element (One column for each)
- Evaluator score for each element/criteria
- Core Data Table provides a .CSV file of all of the collected results and the associated Student, Term, and Course data from System Administration (e.g. student demographics, enrollments, etc.).
We’re always interested in hearing your feedback! If you have an idea for a report that is not currently offered, we encourage you to share it through our Ideas Portal.