Courses & Internships

  • Administrator User Guide: Activities

    Activities can be thought of as assignments.  An activity is the component that allows the distribution of a template to a course section. Activities define the template to be completed by submitters, as well as the date and time the submission will be due, and whether the submission is required.Instructors can create activities within their sections. Likewise, administ...

  • Field Experience Admin Guide

    Field Experience RolesThe Field Experience feature uses three built-in and template roles:  intern, supervisor, and mentor.  intern:  the student/user that will be assessed supervisor:  the institution-based user that will participate in an intership and can complete assessments mentor:  the non-institutional user that will participate in an internship and can complete...

  • Placement Management - Overview

    Placement Management Tool NOTE: The information in this article pertains to the original version of Placement Management. Click here to access articles for the new Placement Management Overview Watermark Placement Management is a tool designed to help Field Placement Coordinators easily create and manage student field placements. While Student Learning & Licensure (SL...

  • Placement Management - Setup and Access

    System Setup NOTE: The information in this article pertains to the original version of Placement Management. Click here to access articles for the new Placement Management   Courses, Sections, and Memberships To use the Placement Management tool, Student Learning & Licensure's organizational information must be in place, just as with traditional placements. These incl...

  • Placement Management - Dashboard

    The Dashboard Tab NOTE: The information in this article pertains to the original version of Placement Management. Click here to access articles for the new Placement Management After selecting Placement Management from the Waffle dropdown menu, the Placement Management tool will open in a new browser tab and the Dashboard will be displayed.The Dashboard shows all stud...

  • Placement Management - Partner Sites and Contacts Tab

    The Partner Sites and Contacts Tab NOTE: The information in this article pertains to the original version of Placement Management. Click here to access articles for the new Placement Management The Partner Sites and Contacts Tab allows you to create and manage the list of sites where students will conduct their placements. Clicking this tab will display your current s...

  • Placement Management - Mentor Teacher Tab

    The Mentor Teachers Tab NOTE: The information in this article pertains to the original version of Placement Management. Click here to access articles for the new Placement Management The mentor teachers tab shows a list of all mentors currently in your system, along with any relevant information such as associated sites. You can also add new mentors by clicking the Ad...

  • Placement Management - Insights

    NOTE: The information in this article pertains to the original version of Placement Management. Click here to access articles for the new Placement Management The Insights Tab The Insights tab provides reporting and placement data exports. There are two types of insight reports: Completed Placements at Title 1 Sites and Placement by Location. Both can be filtered by Gr...